Study Shows Vitamin D Reduces Inflammation Marker in Cancer Patients

by time news

2023-08-25 01:27:37
Study Shows Vitamin D Reduces Inflammation Marker in Cancer Patients

Study Shows Vitamin D Reduces Inflammation Marker in Cancer Patients

By Pamela Dörhöfer

A study conducted by the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg (DKFZ) has found that taking vitamin D can effectively reduce cancer mortality. Building upon this earlier research, a team of researchers at DKFZ has now identified the reason behind this beneficial effect: in a meta-analysis, they discovered that vitamin D intake in individuals with cancer or precancerous conditions reduces the level of an important marker of inflammation.

Vitamin D, known for its involvement in important metabolic processes in the body, is primarily obtained through sunlight exposure on the skin, as only a few foods contain it. It has been observed that vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent worldwide, particularly among cancer patients. Recent studies have shown that regular intake of vitamin D3 can decrease the chances of dying from cancer by approximately twelve percent.

Biological mechanisms underlying the link between vitamin D and reduced cancer mortality have been largely unexplained until now. Researchers believe that vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that combat inflammation. Hermann Brenner, the study leader at DKFZ, explains, “High levels of inflammatory markers in cancer patients are often associated with an unfavorable prognosis. This is particularly true for patients with colon, breast, pancreas, liver, and prostate cancers.” To validate the hypothesis that the anti-inflammatory effect of vitamin D contributes to its positive impact on cancer, the researchers analyzed eight studies involving 592 participants who had cancer or precancerous diseases.

The study revealed that individuals who received vitamin D supplementation had significantly lower levels of the pro-inflammatory marker, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha). TNF alpha is released during almost all types of inflammation and activates various immune cells. Lower levels were also observed for other inflammatory markers, including interleukin 6 and C-reactive protein, among those taking vitamin D.

However, the earlier studies administered the same dose of vitamin D to all patients, regardless of their baseline vitamin D level. Hermann Brenner notes that there is “much greater potential” in dosage adaptation according to individual needs. Consequently, his team is currently conducting a large-scale study in collaboration with several clinics in Germany.

This new discovery paves the way for further research and emphasizes the importance of vitamin D supplementation for cancer patients. As vitamin D deficiency is widespread worldwide, it is crucial to pay attention to the signs of deficiency and consider appropriate supplementation.

Image: © Svetlana Iakusheva/Imago

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