US and North Korea accuse each other at UN

by time news

2023-08-26 00:38:07

Washington on Friday August 25 accused Beijing and Moscow of ” to block “ a united response from the UN Security Council to the launches of missiles or satellites by North Korea, which has opposed its “right to self-defense” It front of “American hostile military acts”.

At an emergency meeting of the Security Council, 13 of 15 members condemned, as did the UN secretary-general, the second attempt in three months by Pyongyang to put a spy satellite into orbit using ballistic missile technology.

“It should be a subject that unites us (…) But since the beginning of 2022, this Council has failed to live up to its commitments due to the obstructionism of China and Russia”denounced the American ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. “The North Korean nuclear threat is growing, and Russia and China are not living up to their responsibilities”she insisted.

Also read: North Korea announces another failed spy satellite launch

“Instead, they celebrate violations of Security Council resolutions and continue to block Council action”she added, referring to the participation in late July of Russian and Chinese officials in a military parade in North Korea displaying new drones and nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

Disunity of the Security Council

The Security Council’s last demonstrations of unity on the North Korean dossier date back to 2017. In May 2022, China and Russia vetoed a resolution imposing new sanctions on Pyongyang, and no Council resolution or statement has not been adopted since. The Chinese and Russian representatives again blamed the North Korean actions on the United States, pointing in particular to the joint military exercises with South Korea.

An argument taken up by the North Korean ambassador Kim Song. “As we have made clear over and over again, our launch of a reconnaissance satellite is the exercise of the legitimate right of self-defense to deter ever-increasing hostile military acts by the United States.”he said, insisting that his country has no “never recognized” Security Council resolutions on the North Korean issue.

Also read: North Korea announces plans to launch satellite, raising concern in Seoul and Tokyo

North Korea “claims, as it always has, that its nuclear weapons program is an act of self-defense, but we all know the truth”, objected the American ambassador. She “puts his paranoia and selfish interests above the crying needs of the North Korean people” you know “war machine is fueled by repression and cruelty”she insisted.

The World with AFP

#North #Korea #accuse

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