Anchor of News 14 Mourns Family Members Murdered in Terrorist Attack: Calls for Justice and Deterrence

by time news

Title: News 14 Anchor Mourns the Loss of Family Members in Hawara Attack

Subtitle: Shemesh criticizes the country’s response and calls for stronger deterrence against terrorists

by [Author Name]


In a heartfelt post on social media, Little Shemesh, anchor of News 14, shared the devastating news that her uncle, Shai Nigarkar, and her cousin, Aviad, were tragically murdered in a recent terrorist attack in Hawara. Expressing her grief, Shemesh emphasized the need to respect their nuclear families, who are currently grappling with the aftermath of this terrible disaster.

Shemesh admitted that her initial reaction was to question why her loved ones had entered a dangerous area during such a high-risk period. However, she stressed that this line of thinking only perpetuates victim-blaming and fails to acknowledge the underlying issue of a murderous culture that persists alongside the Israeli population. She further implored society to realize that Jews are being targeted and killed all over the country, from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, Samaria to Sharon, and even in Hawara.

The News 14 anchor also criticized the country’s response to the ongoing attacks, stating that any reformed nation faced with 35 murders in less than a year would have implemented stricter measures to create deterrence. Shemesh contrasted this with the current situation in Israel, where cabinet meetings are held and life returns to normal without adequate sanctions or efforts to prevent further acts of terror. She highlighted the delayed demolition of the terrorist’s house and the lack of work permit denials for the terrorist’s family as examples of the leniency displayed towards those who commit such heinous crimes.

Drawing attention to the case of Iham Kamamji, a terrorist who kidnapped and murdered Eliyahu Ashouri in 2006, Shemesh expressed her disbelief at the privileges he enjoys in prison, including access to a PlayStation. She questioned how a society can effectively deter terrorists when even convicted murderers are granted indulgences while their victims no longer have a chance to enjoy such luxuries.

Shemesh concluded her post by demanding change and a stronger response from the government, emphasizing that the murder of Jews should never be accepted passively, whether in Israel or anywhere else in the world. She urged the High Court to make swift decisions regarding the demolition of terrorist houses and called for stricter punishments, including the denial of work permits to families of terrorists.

As Little Shemesh mourns the loss of her family members, her words serve as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggle to bring justice and deterrence in the face of terrorism in Israel.

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