doesn’t the president risk making school even more fun than it is?

by time news

2023-08-27 08:00:00

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CHRONIC. The level of French pupils is not good. Emmanuel Macron announces that he wants to straighten it out. But are the solutions he recommends appropriate?

By Christine Clerc The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron playing with the Variétés Club de France on October 14, 2021. © FRANCK CASTEL/MPP/SIPA / SIPA / FRANCK CASTEL/MPP/SIPA Published on 08/27/2023 at 08:00

Good news ! On the eve of the new school year, the Head of State has decided to make the recovery of our School a priority fight. He announces it in his interview with Point : like defense and foreign policy, the school will henceforth be part of its “reserved domain”! After having thanked after five years his Prime Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, former director of Essec, holder of master’s degrees in philosophy, law and Sciences Po, but considered too right-wing despite his initiative to splitting classes in primary school because he denounced the influence of “very powerful Islam-leftist currents in certain sectors of higher education”, Emmanuel Macron had created the surprise.

From surprise to surprise

In this overwhelming post, which…

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#doesnt #president #risk #making #school #fun

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