Eight museums, one network. Asti bets on art- time.news

by time news
from STEFANO BUCCI, sent to Asti

Shared design and common paths: an organic system is born to enhance the city’s treasures. The project to bring city museums closer to give value to each of them

After Chagall, Monet and the Impressionists, until May 1st the rooms of Palazzo Mazzetti in Asti now host the exhibition The Macchiaioli. The adventure of modern art, shows that, through a corpus of about 90 works, presents some masterpieces of nineteenth-century Italian art from the scrub to naturalism, an intriguing journey between famous and lesser-known paintings (because they have never been exhibited before). With works such as Mom with baby (1866-67) by Silvestro Lega, Sunset in Maremma (1900-05) by Giovanni Fattori, Child in the sun (1869) by Giuseppe De Nittis next to Alaide Banti on the bench (1870-75) by Cristiano Banti o A visit to my studio (1872) by Odoardo Borrani.

A beautiful exhibition (which attracted a good number of visitors even during the pandemic) which represents a sort of flagship for the reorganization project recently launched by the Asti Musei Foundation with the intention of creating a single museum system by building an organic network. A system in which the eight archaeological museum sites of the city (Palazzo Mazzetti, Palazzo Alfieri, Domus Romana, Torre Troyana, Complex of San Pietro, Crypt of Sant’Anastasio, Museo Guglielminetti, Museo Paleontologico) were in fact connected to each other. other within a plot that invites curiosity, unveiling, exploration of the artistic and historical riches of the city.

The idea that, to remain in the rooms of Palazzo Mazzetti, that not only a museum but also a beautiful Baroque period building which has hosted personalities such as Giacomo Stuart III (1717), the king of Sardinia Carlo Emanuele III (1727) and Napoleon I (1805). And that hides treasures like the Women by Giacomo Grosso (1895) or theCoronation of the Virgin by the Master of San Martino Alfieri (1503-1504).

Aware of the (mostly hidden) riches of the city, the Foundation chaired by Mario Sacco wanted to enhance each single museum, linking them to each other in the same narrative, with a red thread that connects the dots on the map, creating a unique, welcoming, recognizable image. Ideally following in the footsteps of Baudelaire (In the end of the unknown to find the new one, reads the homepage of the Foundation’s website, museidiasti.com) the project unites the Pilgrimage to Oropa by Lorenzo Delleani (1895) of Palazzo Mazzetti to the relics of the Vittorio Alfieri house museum, the floor mosaic with fish from the Domus Romana to the 199 steps of the Troyana Tower, the bas-relief with animal figures (12th century) from the Complex of San Pietro alla stele of the four-headed fountain (Gothic period) of the Crypt of Sant’Anastasio, the costumes of the Museum that welcomes the donation of the painter and scenographer Eugenio Guglielminetti (1921-2006) to the fossils of cetaceans of Asti (whales and dolphins) dating back to the Pliocene period of the Ethnographic Museum.

To effectively communicate the richness and variety of its artistic heritage, the Asti Musei Foundation has focused on a project (curated by the MSL Italia agency) that wants to transmit the strength and character of museum sites: bringing them closer to each other to give value to each of them (central element is the new logo, under which all the museum sites managed by the Foundation are collected). A project that involved the entire communication ecosystem: social media, posters, brochures for exhibitions and events. With a new design that will be used for all the Foundation’s communication materials, Asti Musei will be able to welcome tourists and visitors with a clear and recognizable image.

The dream is to guide the visitor to discover the city, first through the pages of the site that never make him a user but rather a tourist and a guest. Thus opening the way to a museum itinerary that knows how to physically discover Asti: revealing the DNA and the submerged made up of men, stories (illustrious or not), palaces, collections, museums. To discover that, for example, not only Vittorio Alfieri is here, but also that uncle Benedetto, a distinguished architect, who in the mid-eighteenth century would have happily renovated the poet’s house as well.

The network

The Asti Musei Foundation chaired by Mario Sacco collects eight archaeological museum sites of the Piedmontese city: Palazzo Mazzetti, Palazzo Alfieri, Domus Romana, Torre Troyana, Complex of San Pietro, Crypt of Sant’Anastasio, Guglielminetti Museum, Paleontological Museum. The project was born with the intention of bringing city museums closer to give value to each of them. The exhibition is open at Palazzo Mazzetti (until May 1st)
The Macchiaioli. The adventure of modern art. Organized by Arthemisia, curated by Tiziano Panconi, the exhibition was organized by the Asti Musei Foundation in collaboration with the Cassa di Risparmio di Asti Foundation, the Piedmont Region and the Municipality of Asti.

January 6, 2022 (change January 6, 2022 | 09:32)

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