the government wants to stem the growth of sick leave

by time news

2023-08-27 14:55:00

The Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, guest of LCI, announced that he wanted to increase controls in order to reduce health expenditure.

By HR with AFP The government wants to fight against the increase in the number of sick leaves. © Ketty BEYONDAS / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/JOURNAL SAONE ET LOIRE/ Published on 08/27/2023 at 2:55 p.m.

For Aurélien Rousseau, the Minister of Health, guest of LCI this Sunday, August 27, the phenomenon of growth in sick leave is “not sustainable” with regard to the Social Security budget. The replacement for François Braun declared that he favored controls and “collective responsibility” to curb these health expenditures.

Asked about LCI, the new minister seems not to favor the hypothesis of an extension of the waiting period to contain the increase in the cost of sick leave which jumped in 2022 by 7.9%. “I do not believe that the solution is in the worst reimbursement”, even if “it is one of the tracks which are on the table”, he declared.

More controls to go faster

Among the solutions considered to control this increase, Mr. Rousseau explained that he wanted above all “more checks, go faster”, deploring that today “for an employer, it is extremely heavy to trigger checks”. He also called for more “collective responsibility”, from the patient to the employers, including the doctors.

However, he recalled that half of the stoppages are “very long stoppages, generally for quite old people, these are stoppages linked in part to suffering at work, to the need for retraining”, as many subjects which refer to the “quality of life at work, a project that the government intends to open with the social partners.

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In its 2023 “Expenses and products” report, Health Insurance estimated daily allowance expenses excluding Covid at 13.5 billion euros (excluding maternity), an average increase per year since 2010 of 3.8%. that neither population growth nor rising wages are sufficient to fully explain.

Mr. Rousseau also confirmed that the increase in the deductible on medicines was one of the other ways of saving envisaged within the framework of the social security finance bill (PLFSS) 2024.

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“Where do we find the resources to increase the means of the hospital if we cannot manage the expenditure on the IJ (daily allowances) or on the price of the drugs? asked Aurélien Rousseau.

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