‘Blown up with blows’: the ultra-Orthodox who was abused by police and cried • Watch

by time news

Haim Mizrahi, a young ultra-Orthodox passer-by who was documented yesterday being violently attacked by police in the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem, told tonight (Thursday) about what happened yesterday – and how the police abused him.

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In videos taken at the scene, Mizrahi was seen approaching the police vehicle and remarking to them that they had hit the vehicle. In response, one of the detectives got out of the vehicle, hit him in the face and stopped him.

The detective was on his way to disperse the violent protest that took place against cellular stores in Mea Shearim.

In an interview he gave to Sharon Wechsler and Uri Levy on the program ‘Evening Evening’ on ‘Here News’ – Mizrahi said: “I went out for a break and saw a vehicle that was scratching another vehicle. I ran to the driver and told him that. I got on the sidewalk and suddenly they jumped on me, punched me, beat me to death, handcuffed me and put me in a car. Inside the car I was blown up – until now I have headaches. I was just abused. “

Mizrahi added and described what happened in the car: “The policeman pressed hard on the handcuffs and punched me in the head. I said ‘I do not breathe, I do not breathe’ – and he replied ‘you breathe, you breathe. Do not worry – and he punched me more and punched me. “

In an interview with Suleiman Suede. Photo: News here

From there he was brought to a police station in the Russian compound. “They put handcuffs on my hands and feet. I was put in a cell, I asked to go to the bathroom several times, I begged the police to take me out. During the interrogation I was told: ‘You beat me, you are connected to the demonstration’ and they did not let me talk to a lawyer. They told me, ‘You’re not going to get out of here so fast, you’ve made the mistake of your life.’

This morning, Mizrahi was brought to court. Judge Adi Bar-Tal ordered his release and even sharply criticized the police: “This is unnecessary violence, without any logic and reasonableness that should be condemned. Moreover, it is not clear how after these videos are presented to a police officer, the police officer does not immediately release the respondent while apologizing and transferring the case directly to DIP.

The judge said at the hearing that she had watched videos documenting the assault of the police officers and that “she did not believe what she saw.”

According to Mizrahi, the judge told police representatives that she herself intended to file a complaint against the police. “She was shocked by the videos,” said Mizrahi.

The Department of Police Investigations has begun examining the documentation of the incident.

The police responded: “Yesterday there was a violent disturbance in Jerusalem against the sellers of the cellular stores, following the violence and improper threats directed against them during the recent period in violation of the law. Dozens of law and order violators violated public order while damaging a cellular store on the site and blocking the traffic lane.

“Since yesterday we have witnessed partial documentation that does not reflect the prolonged and violent disturbance that took place at the site. To the extent that there are allegations against any of the police officers who acted to maintain law and order, they will be examined by the competent authorities as is customary. “We will continue to allow the freedom of protest within the boundaries of the law, but we will not allow a breach of public order, vandalism and a violent riot in violation of the law.”

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