Ban on the abaya, absenteeism, baccalaureate… what to remember from the interview with Gabriel Attal on TF1

by time news

2023-08-27 21:18:50

A few days before the start of the school year and on the eve of his first press conference, the new Minister of National Education and Youth was the guest of 20 Hours of TF1 this Sunday. Gabriel Attal announced several government decisions concerning the fight against harassment, the reform of the school system, attacks on secularism or the training of teachers.

Abaya ban

Gabriel Attal immediately takes a strong decision on secularism, an area in which his predecessor Pap Ndiaye was considered too timid by his opponents. The former government spokesperson announces the ban on the abaya, this long religious garment which is controversial in many schools in France.

“Secularism is not a constraint but a freedom, advances Gabriel Attal. We can no longer wear the abaya to school. I am going to talk to the heads of establishments this week in order to give them all the keys so that they can apply this rule. »

Offbeat specialty tests

As we announced this Sunday, the baccalaureate specialty tests, advanced in March, will now be held in June, announces Gabriel Attal. The measure will come into force next year. A decision taken in response to protests from teachers and parents of students, who deplored a disaffection in the classrooms in the third quarter. The new calendar will be officially announced by Gabriel Attal during his back-to-school press conference on Monday, August 28.

“There has been progress with the baccalaureate reforms, but you have to be pragmatic and look at what works or not. “With the tests in June, “there was a strong absenteeism and a demobilization in the 3rd quarter”, regrets the successor of Pap Ndiaye who affirms that this reform will make it possible to “guarantee the mobilization of the pupils, their attendance and their interest in progress “. On the other hand, there will be “no massive modifications to the Parcoursup calendar”.

Towards a simplification of the list of school supplies

This year, families will have to face an increase in the cost of schooling of 11.3% on average compared to last year, according to the annual study of the trade union confederation of families (CSF), carried out among 109 member households and published on Wednesday 16 August. In detail, the list of supplies costs 233 euros for a primary school student, compared to 190 euros in 2022 (+ 23%), 371 euros for a college student (+ 3.5%) and 427 euros for a high school student (+ 3, 1%).

“We are going to work on two issues,” announced the minister. The simplification of the list of supplies requested from students and the future implementation of a tool so that families can buy with a wholesale price”

The lack of teachers

The country faces glaring difficulties in recruiting teachers. Gabriel Attal deplores “15 million hours lost each year for all students”. It is necessary to “attract more teachers”, and for that to “raise” their salaries. It takes into account the salary increase already decided. “Each teacher will earn between 125 and 250 euros net additional at the start of the next school year,” he says.

Half of short-term absences are “linked to administrative constraints”, regrets Attal. “We are going to simplify these administrative constraints to free up time for teachers” and “revalue teachers who replace an absent colleague up to 50%”, through the “teacher pact”, announced by his predecessor.

“Generalized” success courses

President Emmanuel Macron had mentioned during the week the government’s plans to improve the framework for students and teachers in a long interview with Le Point, considering in particular that there were too many vacations and saying his wish for an early start of the school year for the most struggling students.

On this point, no announcement from the Minister of Education, who however wishes to “generalize success courses”, these upgrading devices during school holidays. “We are going to double the hourly remuneration of teachers who engage in these courses,” he announced.

Thursday, when Gabriel Attal met the rectors of the school gathered at the Sorbonne in Paris, the minister expressed his wish to “repair the school”, assuring that France needed “a shock of knowledge “.

#Ban #abaya #absenteeism #baccalaureate #remember #interview #Gabriel #Attal #TF1

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