To liberate bodies you have to enjoy | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-08-26 13:22:02

In a time of existential crisis, dance can be the escape route to escape the time of productivity, efficiency and calculation. In other words, having more free time to enjoy has become a necessity and perhaps also a right for each individual. With this premise, the dancers of Sudakas Sudadas propose to take the body out of productivity and free it for full enjoyment, through dance, putting the body in motion and being aware of that enjoyment so that the technical aspect does not matter so much. just express and feel. “Because the body is territory and enjoying is political”, is how this group made up of Camila Soto, Diana Guevara and Andrea Uribe defines in its aesthetic manifesto, which contains a pedagogical and theoretical project to reflect on and work collectively. With the exception of Andrea -who for personal reasons could not be with her companions- the dancers crossed the mountain range from Santiago de Chile to participate in the “Escenas en Goce” Festival, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, the National Theater Institute and the San Juan Dance Platform. In full development of this cycle, from Thursday until today, local dance artists experience different instances of training and practice of heterogeneous rhythms and within the program, Sudakas Sudadas intervenes with his classes “Contempocula”, “Radical Dances” and ” Bodily encounters”, plus a stage performance called “La última danza” that the public will be able to appreciate today at the Conte Grand Cultural Center (see FACT). In this context, Diana and Camila spoke with DIARIO DE CUYO and explained the conceptual foundation of their project and how they share it with the rest of their colleagues. Starting from the name: “Sudakas Sudadas”, Diana told the theoretical framework of this artistic project. “The thing about Sudakas is about claiming a word that has been pejorative for the culture of the global north. Those of us who were born and live in South America were treated like this in Europe, so we want to rescue our identities. And Sudadas, comes from bodily practices “, the movement, the rhythms and the enjoyment that is contained in these same corporalities that inhabit this territory. They are the basic concepts of what we do and we share them in the communities from an aesthetic, sensitive and participatory experience with the people”, expressed the Trans-Andean dancer who specializes in freestyle twerk and theater.

In class. For the “Contempocula” workshop, the participants do exercises to combine twerk dance with contemporary dance based on routines and pelvic movements.

For her part, Camila not only develops the art of dance, she is also a DJ and works as a teacher in schools with people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders). She affirmed that “we have an academic formation from the university, but we are also practitioners of social and folkloric dance. From our investigations, we seek to go beyond fusing rhythms and we find that there is a clash, not integration, but a friction in the territorial, between the ancestral and indigenous and the colonial. In that friction something creative occurs and converges in language. This is where we rescue these rhythms of enjoyment,” he said. Precisely, cumbia, reggaetón, axé, twerk, house or even hip hop and dance hall, among other urban or contemporary dances are part of the wide spectrum with which Sudakas’ proposal navigates. In short, it is enjoyment, in terms of pleasure and enjoyment of the body in motion, it is the place to reach for full liberation. In this logic, since 2019, they have been carrying out both face-to-face and virtual productions and meetings in which their performance “La última danza” converges. It is a 40-minute choreographic performance, where both they and the performers and the public share the same space and the dance flows among those present, where the spectator ceases to be a spectator to take on a more active and almost leading role. On the other hand, the creators of this proposal were inspired by the “ch”ixi” of the sociologist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui (from Bolivia), who coined the term to name the identification processes of South American societies, in which, there is a network of territorial heritage and European heritage that occurs in the dance.

With all this, Diana responded that “the enjoyment of the bodies” comes to be: “an act of resistance to the regime of sadness and oblivion. Our intention is to get out of productivism and democratize this enjoyment with dances.”

Finally, the exchange and crossing of knowledge of this experience that takes place in the festival, generated a climate of trust and cooperation between the Chilean artists and the participants from San Juan. “We are satisfied and happy for the invitation of Giselle Slavutzky and María Julia De Nardi, concretizing this meeting was an objective accomplished and what is taking place is beautiful. These practices allow us to approach from different places and that everything is joyful, “said the dancer .


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