Vaccination obligation, one-off fine of 100 euros for over 50s who are not up to date

by time news

A one-time fine of one hundred euros from February 1st by theRevenue Agency for those over fifty who do not get vaccinated, a preferential lane to allow over 2.2 million over 50 to get immunized in time and avoid penalties, a Dpcm with the list of activities that can be accessed without the pass, starting from groceries and pharmacies, a fine from 400 to 1000 euros for those who access without a green certificate to the activities and services in which they are intended to be used. With the text of the decree approved by the Council of Ministers which has yet to be published in the Official Gazette, the government is working on defining the ways in which the new rules must be implemented.

The first point is precisely what concerns the sanctions for those who, despite the obligation, decide not to get vaccinated. The decree will come into force “the day after its publication”, therefore most likely Saturday January 8. The obligation is triggered immediately and the sanction for all those who are unable to prove that they are vaccinated, workers and non-workers, explain government sources, is of 100 euro “one-off” starting from February 1st. The sanction will be imposed by the Revenue Agency by cross-referencing the data of the resident population with those resulting from the regional or provincial vaccination registries. And a strengthening of random checks by the police forces is not excluded. Law enforcement agencies who will also be responsible for managing the no vax protests and those who contest the choices of the government. A first appointment is scheduled in Turin on Saturday: in the square there will be the exponents of the ‘Variante Torinese’ and the representatives of the ‘National Liberation Committee’ of which the jurist is a member Ugo Mattei, Massimo Cacciari and Carlo Freccero. On Monday 10, the committees of the smaller islands will protest against the entry into force of the super pass for transport including those that ensure territorial continuity.

On the obligation, however, the government does not go back as the Prime Minister has made it clear Mario Draghi pointing out that the choice to impose it has a specific purpose: to reduce hospitalizations precisely in the age groups in which hospitalizations are most recurrent. Not only that: 2/3 of resuscitation patients and 50% of ordinary ones, recalled the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, I am no vax and therefore the goal is to minimize this audience and in particular those between 50 and 59 years, where there are one million. “The numbers required a decisive step forward”, underlines the Minister of Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini.

Instead, the February 15 the obligation of the super pass to work for all over 50s. A month to give everyone, as already happened for other categories, the ability to book the dose and get the pass, which is issued 15 days after the first administration. Therefore, those who have not yet been vaccinated will have to take the first dose by January 31 in order to get the strengthened pass to work. And it is precisely with a view to facilitating vaccination for this age group that the Regions will set up preferential lanes in hubs and pharmacies. As for the penalties, the decree provides for the employer who does not control a fine from 400 to 1,000 euros while for the worker who is found in the workplace without the enhanced pass, the penalty rises from € 600 to € 1,500. But fines are also provided for all those who access without a green pass to the services and activities in which it is mandatory to have it: it starts from 400 euros and can go up to a thousand euros.

A point that still needs to be clarified is that relating to the activities that can be accessed without the green certificate, those “Necessary to ensure the satisfaction of essential and primary needs of the person” and which must be defined with a Dpcm. Sure there will be pharmacies, groceries and supermarkets, but the list could get longer. With the changes introduced in the Cdm, the basic pass, which can also be obtained with a tampon, will be enough to go to the hairdresser, the barber and the beautician (from 20 January), or in a public office, in a shop or to be able to use the services postal, banking and financial (from 1 February). On the other hand, there is no doubt about the return of smart working massively starting from Monday. The circular signed by the ministers Renato Brunetta e Andrea Orlando recommends “the maximum use of agile working methods for activities that can be carried out at home or remotely, without prejudice to the need for the employer to guarantee adequate conditions of support for the worker and his activity (assistance in the use of equipment, modulation of working times and breaks) “. As far as the public administration is concerned, the circular emphasizes that each administration is “free to organize its own activity, keeping the user services unchanged” following two pillars: “flexibility and intelligence”.

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