Intensive search underway for mother suspected of kidnapping daughters: Sara and Livya Goldschmidt

by time news

Title: Mother Suspected of Kidnapping Daughters, Extensive Hunt Launched by Shefala Police Department

Date: [Date]

Location: [City/State]

In a distressing turn of events, the Anti-Crime Unit of the Shefala Police Department has initiated a widespread investigation to locate a mother suspected of kidnapping her two daughters, Sara and Livya Goldschmidt. The girls, aged 8 and 12 respectively, have been missing since last Wednesday, with their cell phones being switched off since then.

On suspicion of alleged involvement in the kidnapping, the children’s grandmother, a 70-year-old resident of Gadara, was detained for questioning. Investigators are currently examining her cell phone records to determine if she had been in contact with her daughter recently. Furthermore, the investigation will delve into whether the grandmother had any knowledge of the intention to carry out the abduction. A decision regarding a possible extension of detention for her is expected to be made tomorrow.

Details obtained from correspondence between the girls’ father, Ofer, and his daughters reveal disturbing information. One of the girls wrote to their father, stating that their mother had expressed a desire to kidnap them and mentioned buying a wig to avoid detection. The message also mentioned that the kidnapping would occur when they reached their grandmother’s house.

A senior police official has expressed genuine concern for the safety of the girls. The Israel Police is employing all available technological resources in an effort to locate them or ascertain signs of life. Numerous resources and police officers have been dedicated to this urgent mission.

Ofer, an American citizen, had been granted custody of the children and filed a complaint with the Ma’alot police last week when contact with his daughters was lost. Permission had been granted by a court in Pennsylvania for the girls to travel to Israel with their mother under certain conditions, including continuous contact with their father. Ofer was due to arrive in Israel soon to reunite with his daughters, who were staying with their maternal grandmother in Gedera.

When police officers from the Yavne police station responded to the situation at the grandmother’s house in Gedera, the mother assured them that everything was fine and the children were with her. However, soon after the officers left, the mother and daughters disappeared without a trace.

Expressing his anguish, Ofer shared his concerns about the potential harm to his daughters. Anxiety keeps him awake at night, as he prays for their safety and longs for their return.

The Shefala Police Department urges anyone with any information regarding this matter to come forward and assist in the efforts to locate Sara and Livya Goldschmidt.

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