divide and conquer

by time news

2023-08-29 02:13:27

They were all there to celebrate the enthronement of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Curiously, only Isabel Díaz Ayuso was missing. I remind you that coincidences do not exist in politics. It was a quick party, forced not to coincide with a wedding that was taking place in the majestic Galician castle of Soutomaior, although it was known that things were not going to go well. Alberto Núñez Feijóo presented himself as the alternative, but the idea had taken hold in the environment that there was a season left in the opposition with the leader fighting against Pedro Sánchez. He monopolized all the spotlights because that is what the strategy is based on: taking the initiative this month in case there is an electoral advance.

In parallel, Pedro Sánchez will take advantage of the absence of spotlights – everyone will look at Feijóo – to build his alternative with “the enemies of Spain” as stated by the right, although the right itself has opened the door to negotiating with these enemies. Obviously when the right opens this dialogue he does it for Spain. We already saw it with Aznar and the National Liberation Movement. That Núñez Feijóo wants to negotiate with Puigdemont – negotiating with Junts is a dream because who is in charge is who is in charge – is not a boutade, no matter how much it has felt like a kick in the lower abdomen in the Catalan PP. Well, I point out, the current president of the party, Alejandro Fernández, who has marked his departure from the presidency, has been fatal, according to the plans of Genoa. It has not been done yet due to the electoral maelstrom and because there is no alternative with guarantees.

I say that it is not a boutade or an extravagance because the PP tries to take Junts off the board and put it on the hook with ERC. At the end of the day, although the pro-independence radicalism reigns in Junts, sociologically its electorate is right-wing. From the right of a lifetime. Therefore, Núñez Feijóo has set to work to try to deteriorate and divide the pro-independence front. Not so much because he hopes that Junts agrees to invest him, but so that Junts does not invest Sánchez. Rather he wants me to ram him.

Junts, also ERC, have muted their contacts and negotiations. Except for their starting position, amnesty and referendum, the Catalan independence parties do not give up what they are talking about or who they are talking to. Neither in the PSOE. Sumar, in need of prominence, has brought Jaume Asens into the ring to fight with the amnesty bull. We must seek the reason in the moments of exaltation for independence that are coming. Neither ERC nor Junts are interested in showing their cards to the exalted who will take to the streets in the Diada and in the festivities of 1-O. They do not want to lose the street to the same enthusiasts who made their “revolution” during the Cycling Tour that began in Barcelona, ​​taking out trails as the runners passed. And perhaps throwing thumbtacks so that the Spanish cycling round would puncture. One doesn’t have to be very bright to conclude that some brainless patriot came up with this brilliant – pathetic, in my opinion – stellar performance. Surely the authors will be in his house full of pride and satisfaction from his living room revolution.

But, these radicals are not a minority. The proof is in the election results. They have their strength and threaten the stability of the struggle between ERC and Junts, without forgetting the CUP, promoting a more radical alternative for the next regional elections. Junts and ERC want to puncture this balloon and for that they need a success in their negotiation with the PSOE. Once the self-determination referendum has been rejected, everything is focused on amnesty. Pedro Sánchez wants to approach her because he wants to change the scenario. Feijóo no, but he wants to play the game and muddy the field so that the Catalan pro-independence right wing abandons the game and leaves Sánchez composed and without a girlfriend. Feijóo knows that he cannot win. That his investiture is doomed to failure but he is playing to make Sánchez’s also doomed. It is the divide of him and you will conquer.

#divide #conquer

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