French monuments threatened by global warming

by time news

2023-08-28 22:01:24

Home Culture Heritage

Published on 08/28/2023 22:01

Video length: 3 mins.

France 2 Article written by France 2 – J.Lonchampt, S.Thiebaut, S.Pichavant

France Televisions

Global warming threatens French monuments. Constructions are threatened by drought or by the oceans.

Off Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), it has withstood the storms and the ravages of time. However, the Château d’If falters. Climate change and rising water threaten the island where it is built. In recent years, the sea level has risen by 15 centimeters. Some days it is impossible for tourists to dock. The castle is forced to close 180 days a year, three times more than 15 years ago. “If we look at all the IPCC studies (…) in 2050, we can no longer dock at the Château d’If”explains Armelle Baduel, administrator of the castle.

Venice also affected

The ramparts and the walls are also in danger, because of the more and more frequent storms which dig holes in the facade. With the climatic upheaval, more and more monuments are threatened like Venice or the sculptures of Easter Island. In France, the drought has already got the better of some inhabitants. The abbey of Bouillac (Aveyron) is in danger of collapsing at any time. “Since September, this crack has appeared. The whole body of the church tends to flow down the slope”underlines the mayor of the commune.

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