Bird flu in Israel: “The peak of the event is probably behind us”

by time news

In the last two days, there has been an encouraging recovery in the situation of bird flu in Israel, which has affected about 15 wild bird areas and about 20 chicken coop complexes that include more than a million birds, including laying hens and fattening.

“At the moment there is no indication of harm to humans, and those involved in collecting the carcasses and monitoring the water source to detect the virus are protected and receiving preventive medication,” the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the National Information Office at the Prime Minister’s Office said this morning.

“The activity at Agmon Hahula is expected to end on Monday, and now the effort is focusing on monitoring and disinfection, as preparation for the migration season. The peak of the incident is probably behind us,” the Ministry of Agriculture said. The activity was conducted in a joint effort led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Environmental Protection, RTG, JNF, the Water Authority and other parties. An investigation between the bodies will be conducted by Rachel, under the direction of the National Hospital.

Recall that in recent weeks, the Ministry of Agriculture has been battling outbreaks of avian influenza disease caused by the H5N1 virus strain. Given the risk to human and animal health, more than a million birds have been killed so far. Most of the centers are around the Sea of ​​Galilee, the Hula Valley and the Jezreel Valley. Also, in these weeks, there has been an abnormal outbreak of bird flu among the population of cranes passing over the sick reedbed, resulting in the deaths of over 8,000 cranes so far in the area.

Among the notable events in the current wave: the laying farms in Moshav Margaliot, where the laying hens were crowded and the virus could not be prevented from passing from hen to hen. In this context, the number of birds destroyed was approximately 537,000 laying hens. In the Hula Valley, the disease broke out unusually among the cranes and resulted in the deaths of about 8,000 cranes.

Of the approximately one million poultry on the farm, the following are included: approximately 4,900 turkeys for breeding; 355,000 turkeys for fattening; 586,600 ingots; 17,000 ducks for fattening; And about 63,300 birds for heavy breeding.

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