Bullrich’s new strategy: hunting for the “mothers” vote

by time news

2023-08-28 21:20:16

The campaign team Patricia Bullrich lead by Diego “Derek” Hampton from Salta You already have in your hands the first observations of the result of the PASO and the planning of the strategy for the general elections. The most important point is Bullrich’s arrival at womenespecially to those who are mothers. The JxC candidate is highly regarded by this group in which the main concerns revolve around the safety and future of their children.

The first essays on this speech were incorporated in a recent interview that he gave with the conductor “Baby” Etchecopar, where he spoke to those mothers. She will also seek to get closer to the Mothers of Painthe NGO that brings together mothers whose children were killed in violent acts.

Bullrich, during the PASO had had a sort of more protectionist and maternal discursive essay. His first statements after the crime of Morena Dominguez in Lanús, used verbs such as “care” and “protect” the Argentines, when in general his line of speech tends to be more combative against acts of violence. Instead of speaking to the victims, he looks for words that intimidate the criminals.

Perhaps the most “moderate” part of her speech is this new maternal facet, to capture something from the Larretismo voter, who is still analyzing what strategy to adopt in the province of Buenos Aires, where PvC He came second, but could endanger and come third, due to the strong campaign he intends to face Javier Miley to compete with Axel Kicillof.

It is expected that around 3 million voters will join the general elections throughout the country and close to 1 million will be in the province of Buenos Aires. Will have to see How will Bullrich speak to those women who will vote this time?. Will he take off his combat costume? You are already practicing.

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