Martina Maccherone, 4 thieves robbed her house: “They took everything away, even the baby bottles and pacifier holders. Now I no longer post on social media”

by time news

The images from the surveillance cameras are impressive: they film four women – elegantly dressed – walking undisturbed from the building with suitcases, garment cases and designer bags carried by hand with nonchalance, as if they were leaving for a vacation. Too bad that all that goodness was actually the booty of the theft they had just made in New Year’s Eve at the house of Martina Maccherone, 30, Westwing’s head of influencer marketing and influencer also known for being one of the best friends of Chiara Ferragni. It was she herself who published the videos of the thieves on her Instagram profile, letting off steam with her followers: now, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, she told what happened that evening, while she and her partner Lorenzo with the two twins Ines and Ilde were out for dinner. “The house was literally burgled, they took everything away“, Explains Martina.

“They looked like professionals, I don’t think they acted out of hunger or out of necessity. My family and I were out celebrating. The neighbors who were in the house were toasting the new year and the caretaker was obviously not present, given the time ”. The thieves acted undisturbed and went without fail: in thirty minutes they took all the suitcases found in the Maccherone house and filled them with anything. “They have taken off a lot of whims from women. In addition to stealing cash, jewelry, bags of very famous and recognizable brands, they concluded by taking a tour in my bathroom from which they took away my hairdryer, my straightener but also creams, perfumes, lipsticks “. But they didn’t even spare the wardrobe of the girls, born last May: “Seeing their empty drawers is the thing that destabilized me the most. There was nothing left, not even the bottles and pacifier holders“.

Now Martina Maccherone no longer feels comfortable sharing her life on Instagram as she did before: “Social media are born for positive sharing but it all depends on the eye of the beholder. In my case, that evening I had not shared the fact that I was away from home but I had only posted dishes of what I was eating. It could very well have been my table. I am no longer posting on social media at the moment because it no longer comes as spontaneous and natural to me as it used to be. I no longer have such a “light” attitude after having suffered a theft and such a heavy violation of my privacy “. This is just the latest in a series of thefts that have involved the homes of celebrities and influencers in Milan in recent months: between November and December, in fact, the thieves had already burgled the homes of Chiara Biasi e Tommaso Zorzi, always in the Porta Venezia area. Now it is all in the hands of the investigators who are hard at work identifying the house rats.

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