Justice for Lia! – Newspaper La Prensa Riobamba

by time news

2023-08-28 07:01:00

One-year-old Lía Velastegui died two weeks after being given two vaccinations at the Chambo Health Center. In her death certificate it was stated “Adverse effect viral vaccine”, now her parents ask for Justice for Lía!

The parents of Lía Mauro and Nicole arrived in Quito with their little girl in their arms and their hearts in their hands, since “the light in their eyes” was fading and in the midst of their efforts they could not do more than observe how contrary to their desires, her daughter’s health was declining.

Lía arrived with her mother at the Vozandes Hospital in Quito, where she was immediately examined and after a while the specialists confirmed that the patient had three strains of the virus (rotavirus, anavirus, adenovirus). Her father commented “the doctors did not know the reason for the situation, but they immediately took her to intensive care, because she had to be in isolation.”

Immediately, the health personnel would determine that exploratory surgery should be done, which would not determine an improvement in the patient, but would serve to explore since “in the stomach they found fluid that was not normal,” said Mauro.

As the days went by, Lía was recovering little by little, so the doctors affirmed that the girl would be fine and they would even take her out of intensive care, at that moment Mauro and Nicole felt a comforting relief since, in the dark of despair not to lose her daughter, those were the first rays of light.

When everything seemed to be fine, Lía could not resist anymore and the seizures came, so the doctors immediately intubated her, in addition to giving her oxygen and other medications that were useless at that point, since the little girl’s eyes closed forever. and next to his heart that of his parents also stopped beating.

Finally, in the case of Lía, several specialists intervened, including epidemiologists who, through studies, “they mentioned to us that there is a relationship with the vaccine that was administered.” Mauro said, for which reason they would send a report to the Zonal Coordination No. 9 of Quito, and later the parents approached, to leave an official letter seeking an answer about the cause of the death of their daughter, information that until now they do not receive, so they resorted to a lawyer.

Causes of death

The death certificate states that the little girl suffered intracranial hemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation, septic shock, sepsis and other significant pathological states were the adverse effects of the viral vaccine.

Justice for Lia

Lía’s parents are seeking justice as “there could be many children in danger,” Nicole said. The parents made an official petition together with her lawyer.

According to Mauro

Several people affirm that their children have also had symptoms after the vaccines, so now they are afraid to vaccinate them.

#Justice #Lia #Newspaper #Prensa #Riobamba

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