Maggio Musicale, Banca Intesa joins the Steering Board

by time news

satisfied, Superintendent Alexander Pereira. And it is understandable: because the announced entry of Banca Intesa San Paolo yesterday into the Steering Board of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino a well-aimed blow for the finances of the opera house in Florence. A move that will bring liquidity, perhaps helping to put the budgets back in order and put the wind in the stern of the ship of the city opera house.

The Bank, in recent years increasingly active in supporting culture in Florence and Tuscany (in restorations, but also in the sponsorship of events such as the Eredit delle donne, of exhibitions such as the one just inaugurated at the Pecci di Prato by Chiara Fumai and of Florentine associations in partnership with Fondazione Cr Firenze) already among the main sponsors of the May – around 900 thousand euros a year without counting the individual projects that each time supports – but this entry into the Steering Board – says Pereira – is something I am very satisfied with, because I believe that their commitment will grow and I consider their active presence a certainly an important signal for us, but also for all of Florence and for culture, as well as for the opera house in general. Even more so in such a delicate period like this one, when, after the long and painful stop to activities due to the terrible pandemic, we are restarting with the festival.

Grateful Pereira to the CEO of the bank Carlo Messina for this decision, but not only. That Stefano Lucchini, (currently Chief Institutional Affairs and External Communication Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo ed) – continues the superintendent – a very important fact. I know him personally and I know that a man very interested in music and culture. Not the only one to rejoice in the choice. The whole Board of address of the Maggio, with the presidency of the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella, with Valdo Spini, vice president, and with Bernab Bocca, Mauro Campus and Antonella Mansi expressed, with the superintendent of the Maggio Alexander Pereira, great satisfaction for the indication received.

May 18, 2021 | 10:06



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