Between doubts and demands, Macron’s “great political initiative”

by time news

2023-08-29 21:35:00

DISPATCH — To convey the image of a studious political return, Emmanuel Macron will bring together this Wednesday August 30 the leaders of the parties represented in Parliament. The umpteenth conjuring act or a real “major political initiative”, this “afternoon of work” and its dinner are already struggling to convince the opposition.

The idea sold by the government is a meeting “in camera” to allow exchanges “in confidence”, in particular on the international, decentralization and cohesion of the Nation. The event will take place from 3 p.m., at the Legion of Honor school in Saint-Denis.

As reported Public Senate, the objective would be to “agree on courses of action which can find concrete and rapid translations in the achievements of the government and the legislative texts built together”. To do this, Emmanuel Macron would come in “a listening position in relation to the parties, without a proposal, without an agenda.” He would thus promise a “fair exchange”: “no collaborator present, no image tour, no tense microphone.”

Although skeptical about the true intentions of the Head of State, the oppositions have more or less decided to play the game by communicating their own demands.

Immigration, purchasing power and school

As reported Le Figaro, Jordan Bardella explains that the National Rally will focus its efforts on immigration, purchasing power and the “fundamental learning” that schools should provide. Relatively similar story on the side of the Republicans, for whom Éric Ciotti will mention a “referendum” on immigration, a reduction in taxes and an increase in “authority” in the street.

Finally, the NUPES dwells on the “difficulties of recruitment in the National Education”, “the increase in the price of school supplies” and the “back to school”. Above all, she says she is dismayed by the impasse that has been made “on the immense wound that you have inflicted on the country by forcing the pension reform project at 64 years of age”. On this subject, the left parties are also calling for a referendum. Incidentally, while he was at the origin of the mention of censorship which almost brought down this pension reform, the Liot group was not invited to this political meeting. An “ostracism” that the parliamentary group denounces.

In any case, the demands of the oppositions are quite far from the “international, decentralization and cohesion of the Nation” underlined by the government. So can we expect anything concrete?

Referendum or “preferendum”?

In view of the disagreements that each party has with the others, there are few things that an afternoon and a dinner are enough to create frank handshakes. And since all this will take place behind closed doors, the report will only bind those who believe it.

Moreover, while party leaders are calling for referendums, Olivier Véran explained on BFM TV that the government was thinking of a “preferendum”. Never before made in France, this version includes several questions on a defined theme. The “preferendum” is thus intended to be more detailed and refined than the classic referendum. The constitutionalist Thibaud Mulier detailed to France Info: “It is a concept which aims to overcome the errors of the election and the referendum for the most part” by bringing “a more nuanced, finer vision, by giving a preference to each question.” The problem is that “the state of the law does not provide for this mechanism”, making it in fact “without binding scope” for the government.

In other words, like the great national debate or citizens’ conventions, it is good to give the illusion of participation, but the final choice remains the act of the prince.

#doubts #demands #Macrons #great #political #initiative

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