“Bariatric surgery is not cosmetic but functional surgery”

by time news

2023-08-29 19:26:00

“Everyone must be told that obesity is a pathology and that bariatric surgery is not cosmetic surgery but functional surgery in patients who, unfortunately, need the surgery and don’t do it for the pleasure of undergoing a surgical procedure but they do it because it remains the only alternative to treat the obesity problem in the long term”. Thus Vincenzo Pilone, full professor of General Surgery, Federico II University of Naples and UOC director of General, Oncological and Minimally Invasive Surgery, on the occasion of the symposium “Communicating obesity” promoted by Johnson & Johnson MedTech as part of the XXXI National Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Diseases (Sicob), underway at the Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples.

“The problem is not only losing weight – explained Pilone – but that any event in personal life, be it extremely good or bad, will lead these people to return to food addiction. Surgery represents that brake which allows, in moments of weakness, to prevent these people from eating excessively and therefore recovering the lost weight too quickly ”, he concluded.

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