The rain did not improve the water reserves in the reservoirs

by time news

2023-08-30 01:11:00

The Government spokesperson, Patricia Plaja, has stated that the rain this weekend has not served to modify the water reserves in the Catalan reservoirs and has warned that the drought continues and that it is necessary to continue with restrictive uses.

the drought continues

In the press conference after the Consell Executiu on Tuesday, he warned that “contributions to the reservoirs have been minimal” and that the rain has served to wet the ground, but not to increase the capacity of the reservoirs.

“We will be wrong if we believe that we are better today than we were last week. We cannot relax or leave restrictive uses behind”

“We will be wrong if we believe that today we are better than how we were last week. We cannot relax or leave behind the restrictive uses,” and he has valued the containment effort that he believes the majority of the population has had.

“We are suffering from the most extreme drought of the 21st century, which already exceeds that of 2008 in duration and intensity,” he warned, and was confident that it would slow down by mid-October.

The sanctions

Regarding the sanctions for breaching the restrictions, he recalled that the sanctioning regime will begin to be applied one month after publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DOGC), so they will not be put “immediately”, and it is expected that it will come into force at end of september.

#rain #improve #water #reserves #reservoirs

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