Congress of CSP-Conlutas will vote on the plan to fight against Lula’s policies

by time news

2023-08-30 14:03:49

From September 7 to 10, the Central Trade Union and Popular (CSP) – Conlutas holds its 5th National Congress at the Club Guapira, in the city of São Paulo. Until the close of this edition of Socialist Opinionmore than 1,600 delegates were able to be elected in assemblies, representing different unions of city and country workers, indigenous peoples, quilombolas, movements to fight oppression, who will meet to debate the international and national political situation and elaborate a fight plan

By: Roberto Aguiar

“The congress will bring together fighters from all over the country, who maintain the principle of autonomy and independence from the governments and bosses, who will discuss and approve a plan of struggle, which will confront the neoliberal policies of the Lula government, such as the ceiling expenses, the fiscal framework and the Temporary Framework that deeply attacks the native peoples and the environment” highlights Atnágoras Lopes, of the Civil Construction Workers Union of Belém (PA) and member of the national executive secretariat of the CSP-Conlutas.


From North to South, caravans are organized for São Paulo. Various financial campaigns are being carried out, such as raffles, bingo, tolls, and gold books to raise money to pay for tickets, rent buses, pay tuition fees, and accommodation.

A caravan will leave from Maranhão with activists from the communities that are part of the Forum and Citizenship Networks and with the Tremembé indigenous people of São José de Ribamar (MA), who will sell handicrafts at the congress.

It is the first time that I participate in a national congress like that of the CSP-Conlutas. The expectation is that it will be a good congress and that we can come out stronger. Help our fight here in our community ”, said the rural worker Ailton Albuquerque, who will represent the Cheiroso Community, from the municipality of Itapecuru-Mirim (MA).

The Citizenship Forum and Networks brings together rural and quilombola communities, unions, neighborhood associations and popular movement entities from several cities in Maranhão.

With great joy and happiness we go to the Congress. It will be a moment of support, strengthening and recognition of the struggle of indigenous peoples. A space to echo and give visibility to our struggles. Our territory is in the process of homologation and the CSP-Conlutas was very important for this victory ”, signs Raquel Tremembé, leader of Povo Tremembé. “We are going to sell our handicrafts there, as a way of guaranteeing our participation ”, Raquel highlights.

Another caravan will bring together rural farmers from Ceará and Pernambuco. Unionists, popular movement and quilombolas from Sergipe. And the university youth and the peripheral neighborhoods of Salvador (BA).

The fight of black youth against genocide will be debated in Congress. The challenge is to show a way and the demands in defense of the life of the black and poor people. our lives matter ”, says Vander Bispo, from the Aquilombar Movement, from the city of Lauro de Freitas (BA).

This meeting shows the privileged moment that the CSP-Conlutas Congress is, by bringing together fighters from different unions and movements: metallurgists, chemists, education and health professionals, miners, banks, civil construction workers , public employees of the three spheres [fnaciona, estadual y municipal]those who fight against oppression, for housing, youth and native and traditional peoples.

Internationalism present: international delegations participate in the congress

The struggle of the working class is international. Taking internationalism as part of its principles, the CSP-Conlutas Congress will have a significant international delegation, which will accompany the Brazilian experience and exchange experiences based on the presentation of their respective struggles: France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, countries Africans, Latin Americans, as well as North and South America.

Socialist Opinion and Editorial Sundermann in Congress

Socialist Opinion and the Sundermann publishing house will be present at the 5th National Congress of the CSP-Conlutas. “The PSTU newspaper is at the service of the workers’ struggle and we could not miss this important event. We will do special coverage for the newspaper and for the PSTU website. And, also, we are going to carry out a special action in the congress around the new portal of Socialist Opinion which will be launched in October”, informs Diego Cruz, from the editorial staff of Socialist Opinion.

For its part, the Sundermann Publishing House will have a large stand of Marxist books during all the days of the event. “It is an important space to present Marxist literature to the workers and youth present at the congress. They are fighters and fighters who act every day, who intervene in the class struggle. Theory is essential to guide our actions. Because, as the Russian revolutionary Lenin highlighted, there is no revolutionary practice without revolutionary theory”, points out Jorge Breogan, from Sundermann Publishing House.

Article published in

Translation: Natalia Estrada.

#Congress #CSPConlutas #vote #plan #fight #Lulas #policies

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