Back to school 2023: possible financial aid for students

by time news

2023-08-31 02:34:45

Rising prices for rent, transport, energy, food… All student organizations have noted an increase in the cost of the start of the 2023 academic year for students. + 6.43% increase for example for Unef, or approximately an increase in the additional budget of 50 euros per month. It is therefore even more important this year to look at what aid you could benefit from depending on your status or location. Here is the list of financial aid available this year.

Scholarships and accommodation in university residences

Depending on your family’s level of resources, scholarships based on social criteria (BCS) are awarded to students who request them from the CNOUS/Crous, which manages applications for financial aid as well as the housing stock in university residences. The aid varies according to your situation: from 1,454 to 6,335 euros per year and with 900 euros more with merit aid for students who had a TB mention in the baccalaureate. You must complete a Student Social File, normally before the end of April, but all situations are analyzed until the end of September. More information on the site

Since the Covid, new help has appeared for students who do not meet the criteria provided for by the BCS but who are struggling to complete their end of the month. Either on a regular basis with the specific annual allowance (ASAA) in the amount of 1,454 and 6,335 euros per year – or on an ad hoc basis with the specific one-off aid (ASAP) in the amount of 6,142 euros. The Crous of your academy is also the privileged contact.

Other aid exists for specific types of studies such as the Talents scholarships which are aimed at students preparing for certain civil service competitions, reductions are also possible in certain business schools, find out more from the secretariat of your future school/university/training center.

Housing benefits

Assistance managed by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) allows you to reduce your rent: personalized housing assistance (APL) or social housing allowance (ALS), or special housing allowance (ALF) can allow you to receive 100 to 300 euros per month. More info and procedures:

For work-study and apprenticeship students, Action Logement offers Mobili Jeunes assistance of 10 to 100 euros per month for one year (maximum) to also pay their rent.

Finally, Action Logement offers to act as guarantor for you with the Visale guarantee and to advance you the costs of the security deposit (deposit) with the help of Loca Pass, for all students aged 18 to 30, without means test, and for any type of accommodation.

Meal at 1 euro

Since the Covid crisis, the measure has been implemented and maintained at national level with meals at 1 euro in university restaurants for scholarship and precarious students and 3.30 euros for others.

If you also have difficulty feeding yourself properly, associations such as Cop1 or Linkee organize distributions of solidarity meal baskets.

Free Psych session

Another measure put in place following the Covid crisis and maintained for the start of the 2023 school year: the Psy Student Health service (or psy check) allows students to benefit from free psychological support. In practice, this involves 8 psychological support sessions, with no advance payment.

Energy check

A big item for some, you must declare your taxes independently to be covered by the energy check for an amount of 48 to 194 euros for a single person – paid automatically. A simulator exists to see if you are concerned. More informations :

Culture and sports

In order not to sacrifice culture and leisure, the government offers the Culture pass, an aid of 20 to 300 euros for students aged 15 to 18. 20 euros for college students aged 15, 30 euros for high school students aged 16 and 17 and 300 euros valid for 2 years when you turn 18. This aid is very easy to unlock and allows you to buy concert tickets, films, books, instruments, materials, etc. More info:

If you are athletic and registered in a club in a sports hall etc., you can also benefit from the Pass’Sport aid of 50 euros. However, this aid is reserved for scholarship students or students receiving the back-to-school allowance (ARS AEEH or AAH).

Regional aid

Some regions can also help you locally. The southern Paca region, for example, offers a culture pass of 80 euros, an energy check of up to 250 euros… The Pays de la Loire region offers a bonus of 200 euros to all young people who combine employment and studies, assistance to equip themselves for professional high school students… It is therefore highly recommended to take a look at the site for your region!

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