IMSS activates the Brain Code program and saves a patient

by time news

2023-08-31 19:00:06

Cerebrovascular Disease is the second cause of death in some countries and the first cause of disability.
Some of its symptoms are difficulty speaking, loss of movement in the middle of the body, and deviation of the mouth.
So far, the Brain Code program is applied in 128 IMSS-certified hospitals throughout the country.

Time is always important but when it comes to medical care it can be the difference between life and death. With this in mind, in July 2022 the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) implemented the Código Cerebro program. This is an initiative that instantly treats patients with a Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD).

Immediate care for suspected patients

In this case, it is the second cause of death in some countries and the first cause of disability. In addition, when it occurs even a minute apart, it is very useful to save a patient and avoid fatal consequences.

So far the program Código Cerebro is applied in 128 IMSS-certified hospitals. Although one of the objectives is to achieve its expansion to the rest of the hospitals gradually.

That said, the most recent case of success occurred in the Zone General Hospital (HGZ) No. 46 in Villahermosa, Tabasco. A multidisciplinary team managed to save the life of a 27-year-old woman in less than two hours, who presented an EVC.

account of what happened

Claudia Cecilia “N” attended a follow-up appointment in the company of her parents. When she got out of her vehicle to enter the hospital, she felt a sudden and severe headache, in addition to the loss of movement in half of her body.

The situation alerted her parents, who admitted her to the Emergency Service where she was received by a multidisciplinary medical team to assess her state of health. The symptoms were determinant to activate the Brain Code protocol.

“A great mobilization of doctors and nurses focused on my care. They carried out studies on me, they applied medicines to me and at one point I completely lost consciousness, ”said the young beneficiary.

When he woke up, he was in an Intensive Care room with other patients. She thanked the Institute’s health workers for her services, as she has always had positive experiences receiving care.

The neurology specialist attached to HGZ No. 46, Dr. Carlos Blaisdell Vidalexplained that the IMSS in Tabasco has the treatment and specialized medical personnel, who coordinates a communication system for the timely management of patients with CVD.

He pointed out that Claudia Cecilia was attended to in a period of two hours, various studies were carried out and a skull tomography was carried out, which were decisive in starting the thrombolytic treatment and unblocking the artery obstructed by a clot. With it she returned circulation to the arteries of her brain.

“In the case of Claudia Cecilia, thanks to timely care, a recovery of 95 percent of her body was achieved, without permanent sequelae, which allowed her to return to her daily activities, without any disability.”

The Social Security neurologist explained that the symptoms could be slurred speech, loss of movement in half of the body, or deviation of the mouth, since the period to be a candidate for thrombolytic treatment is 4.5 hours. After this time, the person may have permanent sequelae or lose their life.

Also read:

IMSS Brain Code Program will be national: It seeks to standardize CVD care

IMSS organizes the first Código Cerebro medical course with 27 national and international professors

Brain Code: These are the results of this IMSS strategy

#IMSS #activates #Brain #Code #program #saves #patient

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