Reform decided: The dual leadership at the Berlinale has failed

by time news

2023-08-31 18:19:42

Opinion reform decided

The dual leadership at the Berlinale has failed

As of: 6:19 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

Next year is over: Mariette Rissenbeek and Carlo Chatriasn

Source: Michael Kappeler/picture alliance/dpa

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Five years ago, the intendant model at the festival, in which Dieter Kosslick decided everything, was phased out. Since then there have been two equal leaders. That worked badly. Now the supervisory board has acted: new staff and a new structure.

The “double leadership” model at the Berlinale has failed. Introduced five years ago by Minister of Culture Monika Grütters, with Carlo Chatrian as artistic director and Mariette Rissenbeek as equal economic manager, there will now again be an “intendance” as before in the days of Dieter Kosslick. At the same time, this means that not only will Rissenbeek’s contract not be extended after five Berlinale editions (which has been known since March), but that Chatrian will also determine the festival program for the last time next February.

At a meeting of the supervisory board of the Federal Cultural Events in Berlin (KBB) GmbH, it was decided to “reform the management structure of the Berlinale”. In the words of the Chair of the Supervisory Board, Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth: “The talks that we have had at various levels over the past few months with numerous people who work at, with or for the Berlinale have led us to the common conviction that that the largest public film festival in the world should again be managed and represented by one person.”

This is the friendly version of the balance sheet. Insiders also speak of a “dysfunctionality” in the structure, which has significantly hampered effective work. Once again Roth: “The necessary decisions to modernize the Berlinale, to secure the future and sustainability should now be in one hand again, in order to further develop the Berlinale as a public festival in the federal capital and to strengthen it in the league of international A film festivals.” Berlinale “in the league of international A film festivals” has suffered considerably in recent years.

A search committee should now be set up as quickly as possible, with an expected number of five people. The chairman has already been determined: Claudia Roth. The state of Berlin should be represented there, as well as the German film industry and the film academy. There will probably not be an official tender, which is regrettable in a way; it could have stipulated that the newcomer must be able to speak and write German.

Probably not a tender

Little is known about the future of Rissenbeek and Chatrian. Chatrian is said to have expressed his willingness to have “constructive discussions about a future role in the new Berlinale team”. This could mean that he will continue to curate the Encounters series he launched and not go to the Venice Film Biennale as the new boss, as has been speculated lately.

#Reform #decided #dual #leadership #Berlinale #failed

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