The departure of companies from the Basque Country in the first semester increased by 21%

by time news

2023-09-01 00:17:04

These are residual figures from the Basque business census as a whole, which in June amounted to 57,567 units, but they serve to analyze trends and these, according to the operations of change of headquarters that the companies have undertaken, continue to reflect a negative balance for the Basque Country in the first semester of the year.

According to the data from the commercial registrars, up to June there were up to 274 changes of address of companies with the Basque Country in the operation. Of which, 146 were to leave the Basque Country and 128 to nest in Álava, Bizkaia or Gipuzkoa, an activity that already existed on the other side of the fence.

Departures represent an increase of 21% compared to the 120 in the same period last year. As for arrivals, the 13% growth is insufficient to put an end to the trickle in the departure of companies that, in the last ten years, has totaled 2,346 in the Basque Country. As for the balance, the result of those that leave versus those that come, yields negative figures and a balance in which the net loss of signatures is 255 since 2015.

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As pointed out by the business analysis company D&B to EL CORREO, these are relative figures that do not allow us to conclude that there is a hostile environment or elements of lack of competitiveness for companies, unlike Catalonia where the figures are much higher with 5,000 companies that have abandoned Catalan autonomy since 2015 and with special intensity after the referendum of October 2017.

As for destinations, Madrid continues to be the main point where activities leaving the Basque Country are domiciled. In total, 41% of the companies. And it is that the capital effect continues to exert an important attraction that makes the Madrid community the autonomous community that attracts the most companies in Spain as a whole.

Even so, until June of this year, a total of 61 Basque companies left for the capital of Spain, while 66 arrived from there. It is the first time in ten years that the balance is beneficial for the Basque Country. Thus, if last year only 3 out of 10 activities that were installed in the Basque Country came from Madrid, in this 2023 that figure has increased to exceed 5 out of 10. And it is that those 66 transfers from the capital represent 60 % more than last year.

Where do the companies that leave the Basque Country go?

The next most common destinations for companies leaving the Basque Country are Catalonia (14.4%), Cantabria (8.2%), Castilla y León (7.5%) and La Rioja and Navarra, both with 4, 8% of cases.

The Basque employers’ association, Confebask, warned of the situation of the business census last month. And it is that June was the second worst month in 15 years with the loss of 500 companies. According to data from the institution chaired by Tamara Yagüe, 63% of the signatures that existed before the pandemic still have to be recovered.

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