North Kivu: return to calm in Goma after a demonstration which left nearly 50 dead and 75 injured (CongoForum)

by time news

2023-09-01 13:17:57

GOMA – Life resumed its normal course in the city of Goma, capital of the province of North Kivu, this Thursday, August 31, the day after a day under high tension marked by an angry demonstration by the followers of the sect mystical-religious Wazalendo.

This Thursday, the activities turned normally in the city. Shops, stores, markets, banks, gas stations worked. However, despite this resumption of activities, fear is still observed among the population of certain districts of the city. This is particularly the case in the Ndosho and Kesho districts, which were the scene of very violent clashes between protesters and law enforcement officers.

Balance sheet revised upwards

While the urban authorities have drawn up a toll of seven people killed, including a police officer, several others injured and 158 arrests, this Thursday local sources and a report from the Congolese army affirm that the number of people killed in the outcome of these clashes went from seven to at least forty eight. The injured are estimated at 75.

The demonstration organized by Wazalendo aimed to demand the departure of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Congo (MONUSCO), but also that of the soldiers of the East African Community Force (EAC ) as well as all Westerners including their organizations.

Urban civil society strongly condemns this tragedy which caused the death of men. For Mario Ngavo, a member of this civic structure, the army and the police did not act professionally.

For his part, the provincial governor, Lieutenant General Constant Ndima, in a press release published the same day, called on the population to remain calm. Nevertheless, the provincial authority warns against any demonstration likely to disturb public order.

Since the resurgence in 2022 of the M23 rebellion, which occupies certain territories of the province of North Kivu, the civilian populations have shown themselves to be increasingly hostile towards MONUSCO agents and the troops of the sub-regional force of EAC. They accuse them of collaborating with the insurgents rather than ensuring their protection.

© CongoForum – redaction, 01.09.23

Image – source: Congolese press

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