Yoaz Handel: “It is not good to have the right alone – it is good that Meretz and Labor are returning”

by time news

Minister of Communications Yoaz Handel is considered right-wing, but in recent years, together with his friend from the Derech Eretz party, Zvi Hauser, has become a controversial figure among the national camp. In the last election, Handel and Hauser ran under the “New Hope” faction of Justice Minister Gideon Saar, the Likud’s retiree. In a long interview published yesterday (Thursday) on the Mako website, Handel addressed a number of issues on the agenda: Chumash, Netanyahu and the Likud, and the Bennett government.

Handel does not regret the buildings that were demolished, several times by the IDF after the attack in which Yehuda Dimentman was shot dead. “My consistent perception is that we are not building localities in response to terrorist attacks, but building localities as a strategy.” On the destruction of buildings after a terrorist attack, he said: “When there is a terrorist attack you do not destroy a settlement or a yeshiva. It is foolish. It is really a lighthouse in my eyes. It radiates something very bad. I think it is an unwise move by the defense establishment.”

Deputy Minister of Economy Yair Golan attacked the Chumash settlers yesterday morning and called them “subhumans,” “the corruption of the Jewish people.” Handel said these were shocking words that were inappropriate in the political space. “There are enough crematoria in the people of Israel, there is no need for more. Expect him to apologize.” Golan later apologized.

“I am against bibism. I was very happy for the Likud to be in government.”

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, as is well known, has not been in power for more than six months and yet he continues to employ the new government. Handel entered the public arena more than a decade ago as head of the information department at the Prime Minister’s Office during Netanyahu’s term. “Bibi did not go,” Handel said, “Bibi is there with the North Korean flag, and with a large fan base, if not a Saturn sect. I compare Netanyahu to Shabtai Zvi.”

Handel did not blame Netanyahu, God forbid. “Even Shabtai Zvi was not to blame for the fact that Natan the Gazan built it and made it what it is. But from the moment Shabtai Zvi converted to Islam and so many Jews converted, the danger could be understood in personality worship. Even connecting to the facts – this is in the eyes of Saturn.

“I have nothing against the Likud public. I love it. It is my people. I have an aversion to the phenomenon. I am against bibism. I was very happy for the Likud to be in government. I believe in unity government as an ideal, I aspired to it last time. I believe in the integrity of the people and the country.” .

“I’m Against Bibism” Photo: Noam Moskowitz, Spokeswoman for the Knesset

“I can not say that in the previous government I felt better”

On the current government he said: “I think there is a very great achievement in that half of the people, who for many years feel moderated, are now in government. The left was moderated because Meretz and their friends were not in government.”

To the Minister of Communications because he has no problem sitting in government with Meretz and Labor. I have a problem with opinions, “he said, explaining:” When Omar Bar-Lev says something I really don’t like, I express it out loud. But I can not say that in the previous government I felt better. ”

On the lack of Zionism in Meretz and Labor, he said: “There are a lot of problems there. I almost did a doctorate on what happened to the Israeli left and why it lost the words settlement and absorption of aliyah and Zionism. I think something wonderful is happening in the government – they are very focused “I always said that it is not good to have the right alone. It is good that they are returning to this space.”


Bar-Lev | Photo: Yonatan Sindel / Flash90

“I believe in the marriage covenant, but other solutions are also acceptable”

Handel grew up known in religious Zionism, living in Moshav Nes Harim, where religious people live alongside secular people. He defines himself “on the continuum, a Zionist Jew who keeps some of the mitzvos. He keeps Shabbat but before the synagogue goes for a run. Kosher food but always prefers kosher places without a certificate or kosher kosher. In my opinion, the less the state intervenes in the religion of its citizens. .

On the marriage of LGBT people, Handel said that the government would have to regulate the issue in a reasonable way. They are offered a solution. So for all these and also for the LGBTs, the state must produce a solution. “

Lieberman marries at a civil wedding.  archives

Lieberman marries at a civil wedding Photo: Yonatan Sindel / Flash90

Handel’s solution: “I believe in the marriage covenant, but other solutions are also acceptable. Matan Kahana’s reform is very important in this context. I am ashamed to go to a place where I know that training is a combination. “If they marry Jews but not Jews. If they marry my children then I risk assimilation and not them. It should be understood that the danger in the ultra – Orthodox monopoly on Judaism is a danger to the Jewish character of the State of Israel.”

If you asked yourself what Handel’s opinion was about Reform Judaism, Handel provided a clear answer: “I do not connect, because I grew up in Orthodoxy, but they are my brothers.”

Matan Kahana

“The reform of Matan Kahana is very important” Photo: David Cohen / Flash90

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