Public Opinion on the Performance of Israeli Government Ministers – Survey Results and Analysis

by time news

Title: Israeli Government Ministers Evaluated: Defense Minister Yoav Galant Tops the Chart

Date: August 31, 2023

In a recent survey conducted by “Olan Shishi,” the performance of Israeli government ministers was analyzed and public opinion was sought. The survey, carried out in collaboration with Manu Geva, shed light on the satisfaction levels among the respondents towards the ministers. Here are the key findings:

Positive Ratings for Defense Minister Yoav Galant
Of all the respondents, over 20% gave a positive score to Defense Minister Yoav Galant, making him the minister with the highest approval rating. Interestingly, 36% of voters opposing Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed confidence in Galant’s performance, while 15% of coalition supporters also acknowledged his exemplary work.

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel Earns Trust
Following closely behind Galant, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel garnered 8% of the respondents’ trust, making him the second-highest-rated minister in terms of performance. Ben Gavir and Economy Minister Barkat received 6% support each, while Justice Minister Yariv Levin fared well among the Netanyahu bloc voters but overall secured only 5% approval.

Minister of Information Galit Distel-Atbarian Struggles
Minister of Information Galit Distel-Atbarian did not fare well in the survey, as she received 0% of the participants’ votes, indicating a lack of confidence in her performance. Other ministers, such as Mai Golan, Avi Dichter, Shlomo Karai, Dodi Amsalem, Yoav Kish, Yitzhak Goldknopf, and Israel Katz, also received low approval ratings of just 1%.

Worst Performing Minister Identified
According to the respondents, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir emerged as the worst performing minister, with 35% expressing dissatisfaction with his work. Of those opposing Netanyahu’s bloc, 49% considered Ben Gvir the worst minister, while 16% among Netanyahu’s supporters shared the sentiment. Justice Minister Yariv Levin followed closely behind, with 7% participants criticizing his performance.

Calls for Foreign Minister Eli Cohen’s Resignation
The recent revelation of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen’s meeting with his Libyan counterpart led to public outcry and demands for his resignation. A significant 45% of respondents believed that Cohen should step down from his position. Interestingly, 72% of Netanyahu’s opposition bloc voters shared this sentiment, compared to only 20% of Netanyahu’s bloc voters. However, 33% opined that the minister should remain in the government.

Majority Supports New Elections
A substantial 54% of respondents expressed their belief in the necessity of holding new elections, with 86% of these voters coming from the opposition parties. On the other hand, 41% believed that new elections were unnecessary, while 5% were undecided.

The survey, conducted online, included a representative sample of 502 respondents aged 18 and above from across Israel. The data collection lasted until August 31, 2023. While the maximum sampling error was recorded at 4.4%, the survey employed accepted statistical methods using a combination of stratified and random sampling.

Overall, Defense Minister Yoav Galant emerged as the preferred minister among the public, while Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir faced criticism for his performance. The results underscore the diverse perspectives and opinions prevalent among the Israeli citizenry regarding the government and its ministers.

Note: The survey’s findings and opinions presented in this article are based on the conducted survey and do not necessarily reflect the views of the news organization.

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