Domestic violence: associations are sounding the alarm over their financial difficulties

by time news

2023-09-02 08:43:18

Four years after the launch of the Grenelle of domestic violence, victim support associations are sounding the alarm about their “bloodless” finances due to the increase in the number of women to be helped.

“The largest association for the defense of victims of violence against women in Val-d’Oise, Du Côté des femmes, is in receivership. This association has closed its 24/24 reception and the court could announce its liquidation by the end of September while it supports 2,000 women, “says Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation, which finances associations specializing in Women’s rights.

In Essonne, Léa Solidarité Femmes had to lay off six of its 19 employees in August and is in the process of closing 65 of its 141 accommodation places for lack of funding, even though these places were occupied and it has a waiting list. , alerts its deputy director Sophie Cartron to AFP.

Needs are exploding

While Sunday will mark the 4th anniversary of the launch of the Grenelle des Violences conjugales, the Women’s Foundation argues that the support needs of women victims of violence have exploded but the budgets, if they have increased, have not kept pace. same pace, leaving the associations “exsanguinated”, in great financial difficulty.

“Women are talking and that’s good news. Thanks to unprecedented political and social mobilization, the facts denounced to the police have increased by 82% since 2016, ”notes the association in a press release. Field associations are facing a “considerable increase” in requests from women to welcome, guide and support.

However, the Women’s Foundation has calculated that, since the Grenelle, “the budget spent by the State for each woman victim of accompanied violence has fallen by more than 25%. If the state budget has increased since 2019, it has not kept up with the explosion of requests for support”.

Questioned by AFP, the Ministry of Equality between women and men did not wish to react.

Associations forced to close

“The State, the prefectures continue to send victims to associations to help, the devices are full, but the means do not follow. Associations are forced to close or reduce their action, ”explains Anne-Cécile Mailfert.

More and more serious danger telephones are attributed by the prosecutor’s office to women in mortal danger.

“With the ramp-up of the system, associations would need additional financial support to provide sustained support: legal, psychological support, phone calls to reassure them, search for accommodation”, notes Françoise Brié, president of the Federation. national solidarity women (FNSF), association which manages the telephone number 3919.

A heavy administrative burden

The associations underline the administrative burden which weighs on small associations to obtain subsidies.

“Some associations that receive a lot of women are forced to apply for dozens of grants: to the State, town halls, departments, intermunicipalities, private funding, foundations, other state services. It would be preferable for 80% of their funding to come from the ministry responsible for gender equality,” says Françoise Brié.

“To attract foundations, they often have to present new projects, whereas they need long-term funding to support women over the long term. Small associations have to multiply grant applications per project, while we are on a public service delegation, ”underlines Anne-Cécile Mailfert, who wants them to be able to count on reliable funding.

“We sign leases to secure women and their children. We cannot sign them for one year, subject to having the funding the following year,” explains Sophie Cartron.

“The employees of the associations are very tense: they receive very low salaries, they face very serious problems and they feel that they do not have the means to cope. This creates discomfort at work”, notes Anne-Cécile Mailfert, who hopes “to collect one million euros by the end of the year to relieve the associations most in difficulty”.

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