UN Special Envoy Presents Findings on Palestinians’ Human Rights, Preparing for International Court of Justice Discussion

by time news

UN Special Envoy Presents Findings on Human Rights of Palestinians under Israeli Control

The United Nations’ special envoy for examining the human rights of the Palestinians, Michael Link, has presented the findings of a study conducted on the situation of the Palestinians under Israeli control. These findings are being prepared for an upcoming discussion on the subject at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In the report, Link, a law professor from Canada, highlights the “flagrant violations of international law” committed by Israel, including the annexation of occupied territories and the violation of Palestinian rights. He also accuses Israel of practicing apartheid methods.

As per the report, Link concludes that Israel must withdraw its military forces from Judea and Samaria, dismantle the settlements, and cancel the laws of military control in the region, due to the unconstitutionality of the occupation.

This development follows the UN Committee on Politics and Decolonization’s approval of a Palestinian proposal last November, calling for an investigation by the UN International Court of Justice into the legal significance of the ongoing Israeli occupation. The decision was supported by 98 countries.

However, Ambassador Gilad Erdan of Israel has been working behind the scenes to garner support against the decision. Erdan aimed to obtain a significant number of countries that would vote against or abstain from the decision. He believes that the bloc of countries that voted against or abstained, consisting of 69 countries, can create pressure on the International Court of Justice.

In his speech before the vote, Erdan vehemently attacked the decision, stating that no body should determine that the Jewish people are occupiers in their ancestral homeland. Erdan further stressed the importance of strengthening relations with the countries that voted against or abstained, as they hold influence over the appointment procedures of the judges at the International Court of Justice.

Erdan is well-regarded at the UN headquarters in New York, known for his close ties with ambassadors and senior diplomats. His efforts to rally support against the UN decision reflects Israel’s determination to counter the allegations made in the report presented by Michael Link.

The upcoming discussion at the International Court of Justice in The Hague is expected to shed further light on the human rights situation of the Palestinians under Israeli control and determine the legal significance of the ongoing Israeli occupation.

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