Interventions and surgical aesthetic surgeries: in Argentina they grew by 15% last year

by time news

2023-09-02 06:06:00

Despite the serious health incidents associated with malpractice in cosmetic surgeries and procedures, nothing seems frighten society to avoid these situations. In fact, in the last year, the total number of surgical and non-surgical procedures increased by 11.2%, globally, according to a report by the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Isaps). Given this, experts recommend completing a list of questions before to undergo an intervention.

In the Isaps 2022 report, it is read that –in Argentina– they completed 1,016,517 cosmetic procedures. From the same study it can be deduced that the five most requested surgical interventions were: breast augmentation; liposuction, eyelid surgery, lip augmentation and rhinoplasty.

On the other hand, among the non-surgical practices, the most demanded were: hyaluronic acid injections, botulinum toxin touches, hair removal, non-invasive fat reduction and cellulite treatments.

This aesthetic demand is not only Argentine, of course. It turns out that –according to Isaps– aesthetic experts found an increasing demand. Specifically, last year more than 14.9 million surgical and 18.8 million non-surgical aesthetic procedures were completed across the planet. In the case of Argentina, in 2021, 398,980 aesthetic procedures of the surgical type were completed, a figure that –last year– grew to 461,589 events.

Aesthetic medicine: how
choose the right treatment?

Given this growing trend and in which Argentina is one of the first in the region for number of surgeries, experts recommend doing a kind of “Check Listbefore deciding whether or not to perform any intervention.

What are the essential questions that must be answered yes or yes? As she explained to PROFILE plastic surgery specialist Gustavo Polisky, DIM Health Centers expert, “unlike what happens with other interventions, in plastic surgery the “surgical indication” belongs to the patient, not to the doctor. It is he who agrees with his concern and the responsible specialist who should indicate the possibility of carrying it out, or not ”.

In these processes, the ideal is that a team intervenes: this can add the participation of clinicians, anesthetists or cardiologists, apart from the surgeon. And the team must be able to assess the patient’s medical conditions and history. For Polisky, before any surgical intervention it is essential to complete several routine tests that include blood tests, electrocardiogram, surgical risk assessment and chest x-ray.

For his part, JuanManuel in Diegoplastic surgeon and medical director of Crenyf He told this medium that “if a person wants to have cosmetic surgery, they should first talk – and a lot – with their surgeon to clear up any doubts,” he explained. And he explained: “The patient should question him about his level and place of medical and specialized training. It is not enough to have received it and not even to have the specialty. It is important to know if he attends congresses, if he takes courses or if he stays professionally updated”.

On the other hand, it is also key to know if the professional is endorsed for belonging to a scientific society, if he is a full member of it and if he is certified, or recertified, by his peers.

Another point that is recommended is that the operation in question, even if it is minor, takes place in the facilities of a larger institution. “The ideal is to do it in a clinic that has the right operating room and the necessary equipment available. In those cases, it is also important because these places have specialists available to be able to join if any complications arise”. It is that the central idea of ​​security indicates that plastic surgeries, no matter how small they are, they should not be trivialized.

According to the experts, surgeons should clarify to the patient what type of products they are going to use in said practice. And these elements must be approved by the ANMAT, the official regulatory body for medical issues. In addition, it is key that these materials are backed by published clinical studies, which demonstrate their use and safety, their innocuousness, and even their eventual problems.

The growing business of looking good

On these topics, the Argentine Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery (sacper) from his own website explains: “Whoever requires cosmetic or reconstructive surgery needs a surgeon who has the necessary capacity and training.” And he details that registered members “are specialists who have received a training rigorous, extensive and consist of ethical background to carry out these interventions”.

The site clarifies that “although it is not essential to be a member of Sacper to perform surgeries belonging accredits a solid formation and the guarantee of having the updated certification and recertification”.

To facilitate access to these professionals, these entities publish the full list of certified associates to do operations. It is enough to enter the name of the professional and the search engine will show if he is a trained partner and has the necessary ethical requirements to practice the specialty.

Obviously, doctors should not accept any requirement of the patient. “If we detect certain features of patients who are never satisfied with the surgeries or their image, are minors and request implants and other such cases, I think it is better not to face the intervention and suggest that they consult a colleague from the world of psychiatry or psychology”, suggests Di Diego. And he concludes: “The good surgeon is the one who also knows when not to operate.”

They shut down an illegal center for “beauty” procedures

In tune with the moment and the sensitivity triggered by the death of Silvina Luna, after a mala praxis in a beauty intervention, the City Police closed yesterday a clandestine beauty center. The investigators assured that the place did not have the authorization required by the authorities of the National Ministry of Health. During the operation, medical supplies worth more than $20 million were seized.

The operation took place in the apartment on the fourth floor of a building at 500 Corrientes, in CABA, where the center operated.

This was in charge of a Venezuelan doctor who, at the time of the procedure, was not there. It was her partner who gave the officials access.

In the now closed center they offered, among other treatmentsrhinomodeling, hyaluronic acid fillers, botox and plasma placement, capillary stimulation and peeling.

The investigations were done by the Crimes against Health Division of the CABA Police and they began months ago, when they detected a user who was offering botulinum toxin (botox) and hyaluronic acid in different brands and presentations on Instagram. And complemented by offering other inputs. Many of these elements must be acquired only in authorized laboratories.

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