The number of active corona cases in Austria continues to rise

by time news

The Omikron variant has Austria firmly under control, the seven-day incidence rose throughout Austria from 482.6 to 525.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants on Saturday, and within 24 hours the authorities reported 7,405 new corona infections and 14 fatalities. In Austria’s hospitals, however, the number of infected people is falling: 920 corona patients are currently being treated there, nine fewer than the day before. 271 people are being looked after intensively, compared to 278 the day before.

While there is currently a slight relief in the hospitals, the number of active cases continues to rise. On Saturday there were 62,211 active cases in this country, 4,883 more than the day before. There have been 1,329,130 ​​confirmed cases in Austria since the start of the pandemic. In the past week alone, 46,903 people across Austria were infected with the corona virus. 1,253,075 people have recovered since the outbreak of the epidemic.

14 new deaths have also been reported since Friday; in the past seven days alone, the corona pandemic has claimed 95 lives, so 13,844 deaths related to the virus have been registered since the pandemic began.

The domestic test offer continues to be well used: 673,665 PCR and antigen rapid tests were carried out in the last 24 hours. Of these, 534,027 were meaningful PCR tests, in which the positive rate was 1.39 percent – the seven-day average is 1.8 percent. The positive rate was highest in the past seven days in Salzburg with 5.6 and in Tyrol with 4.6 percent.

These two winter sports federal states also top the negative ranking for the highest seven-day incidence. In Salzburg it was four digits on Saturday and was 1,085.4, in Tyrol it was 982.2 tested positive in the past week per 100,000 inhabitants. This was followed by Vienna with an incidence of 676.9 and Vorarlberg with 481.7. It was followed by Upper Austria (394.9), Lower Austria (388.6), Carinthia (314), Styria (280.5) and Burgenland (231.4).

Vienna reported the most new infections since Friday with 1,960, followed by 1,092 in Lower Austria, 1,043 in Tyrol and 981 in Upper Austria. 887 new cases were added in Salzburg, 609 in Styria, 402 in Carinthia, 327 in Vorarlberg. Burgenland registered 104 more infected people.

At the beginning of the year, one-time Johnson & Johnson vaccinations lost their validity as proof of 2G. Now exactly 6,313,057 people in Austria have valid vaccination protection. 59,885 vaccinations were carried out across Austria on Friday. According to the data in the e-vaccination pass, a total of 6,644,600 people received at least one vaccination.

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