Nehammer: Prevent lockdown “as best as possible”

by time news

When asked about the statement of the head of the state-wide Covid Crisis Coordination (GECKO), Katharina Reich, “Contamination will happen”, said Nehammer in the Ö1-Mittagsjournal, the Omikron variant is much more infectious, so the measures have been adjusted, for example with the mask requirement Outdoors. In the Netherlands, with an upright lockdown, the number of infections would also rise – to actually slow down the numbers, you would have to do a radical lockdown or even shutdown. “It is important to prevent that,” said Nehammer, because it is so stressful.

Due to the high risk of infection, the critical infrastructure in particular is at risk, and you have to react to this, said Nehammer when asked why people with three vaccinations do not actually have any restrictions, although they can also pass the virus on. In addition, the course of the disease is different at Omikron. In the area of ​​schools, one must carefully observe whether the re-sharpening with increased tests is sufficient, said the Chancellor, who used the military expression “able to live” for it.

Nehammer, who is in quarantine because of a coronavirus infection found on Friday and was therefore interviewed via Skype, said he was doing well himself and had no symptoms. He was vaccinated three times, studies have shown that this also shows an effect with the Omikron variant. He is “grateful” to science that vaccination is possible.

Compulsory vaccination is “out of the question”

The fact that vaccination is mandatory is “out of the question”, as is the date at the beginning of February, Nehammer said. There is a very clearly specified schedule. The compulsory vaccination is necessary “to show that vaccination is actually the way that we do not constantly need measures that restrict freedom,” said Nehammer. When asked whether they might come later than in February, even after the concerns raised recently by ELGA GmbH, he answered with a clear no.

It is crucial that the parliamentary clubs and health minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) work on a sustainable solution. “I am very confident that we will succeed,” said Nehammer. Kogler argued in a similar way: “The legal framework will come, of course we will take a close look at the feedback. The second step is to use regulations to tailor them to the pandemic development, ”said Kogler.

Nehammer was more skeptical than recently about financial vaccination incentives. A premium has several pitfalls, and experts have found – using the example of companies that offer high premiums – that a purely monetary incentive does not ensure that more vaccinations are given. “I don’t want to rule anything out at the moment, but you can see that it is not the miracle cure.” A clever solution is necessary. He promised more transparency regarding the GECKO consultations. There will be appropriate public relations work to counter rumors of backroom decisions.

ELGA: Technical implementation of mandatory vaccination only from April

The statement from ELGA GmbH was announced on Friday, according to which the technical implementation of the mandatory vaccination via the national vaccination register will not be possible until April at the earliest. According to ELGA, however, the delay could “be used for a financial incentive system by means of vouchers for all people with three partial vaccinations”.

The distribution via the ELGA-E medication could take place in the same way as the rapid antigen tests via pharmacies. The funds obtained as penalties should also be invested specifically in the health system. Ten percent should be dedicated to the digitization of the healthcare system, is one suggestion.

The Ministry of Health was undeterred. A first comparison of the vaccination data with the population register is provided for in the draft law on March 15. Should it emerge from the comments in the assessment process that a change in the deadline is required for technical reasons, this will “of course be taken into account”. But that does not change anything in the entry into force of the mandatory vaccination in February. From this point in time, compliance with the mandatory vaccination should also be widely monitored within the framework of official controls.

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