The brother of the GSS in Belza: the late Rabbi Yonatan Klein

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But in the courtyard of the Hasidim in Al-Azah after the late Rabbi Yonatan Klein, one of the most important Hasidim, one of the leaders of the poets in the community, and the brother of the mythical Mishpak Rabbi Shimon Wolf Klein, 75, died on Shabbat.

The deceased was born to his father, the late Rabbi Yisrael Klein, and during his years he served as a teacher at a small yeshiva of the Alza Chassidut in Jerusalem, where he was privileged to educate and teach many students.

In the Holy Courtyard of Al-Azha, it was the late Rabbi Yonatan who founded the Belza Chassidim Choir, known for the many melodies and melodies that he composed over the years, especially before various celebrations and events in Chassidut.

In Belza it is said that the late Rabbi Yonatan was a true Chassid who was all Torah and Chassidut, who in recent years served as a Shiur teacher at the Kabbalist Yeshiva ‘Sha’ar Hashamim’, where he dealt with the occult, while of course being wholeheartedly attached to the Holy Court in Alza and the current Rabbi.

At his death he left behind a blessed righteous generation, descendants and grandchildren who walk the path of Torah and Hasidism. His funeral will take place tonight – Saturday evening at 9:30 PM from the Sanhedria Funeral Home, via Kiryat Belza in Jerusalem, to Mount of Beatitudes, where he will be buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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