The CePEPE strengthens the capacities of SMEs, SMIs

by time news

2023-09-04 07:34:12

Making SMEs and SMIs successful, by providing them with the keys and tools necessary to win markets, such is the aim of the capacity building workshop for the benefit of entrepreneurs, initiated by the CePEPE (Center for Promotion and ‘Supervision of Small and Medium Enterprises). For three days (August 29 to 31, 2023 at the CePEPE headquarters in Wxlacodji, Cotonou) promoters of construction companies, but not only, were equipped with the strategies and the different steps to follow to present a good submission file to a tender. Emphasis was also placed on the techniques for calculating unit prices which, moreover, would promote the performance of contracts in compliance with quality standards and within contractual deadlines.
Belmondo ATIKPO
A total of 27 business promoters in the construction industry and in the supply of goods and services took part in the training on the correct technique for setting up entrepreneurship files. Under the general theme: “Preparation of submission files for calls for tenders”, the trainers at this workshop sufficiently enlightened the entrepreneurs on several modules addressing subjects such as the criteria for selecting tenders; elaboration of unit prices, preparation of a call for tenders; control of the methodological work program and execution schedule; learn the key parts of a tender notice; mastery of the costed activity program and implementation methodology; the development of general costs and site costs; tips for putting together a good file or producing a good estimate; the stages of preparing a call for tenders; be aware of the pitfalls to avoid when submitting a call for tenders; the tools needed to present a good submission and execution file.
According to Arnaud Bossavi, business adviser and head of the Markets Framework Division at CePEPE, the participants of the said workshop are made up of company directors and/or their collaborators specialized in construction but also those in the provision of goods and services, etc. “We initiated this diploma course to enable companies to better present their submission file for calls for tenders. The second theme that we developed during this training focused on how to develop unit prices. Companies often do not master all the assumptions necessary to determine unit prices. The unit price is an amount that is proposed in the execution of an elementary work,” he said.
In addition to the theoretical courses, the trainers offered the participants some practical cases and subtleties on the development of a good quantitative and estimated estimate to submit to a call for tenders. Beneficiaries occasionally asked several comprehension questions to CePEPE officials. Roland FALADE, one of the CePEPE trainers, provided the necessary answers to everyone’s concerns. Based on the hypotheses and formulas, Roland FALADE and Mohamed BONI SENI dissected the proposed exercise cases. At the end of the workshop, the entrepreneurs expressed their complete satisfaction with the conduct and content of the modules. AMOUZOUVI Kouété, a business promoter, found the training modules quite interesting. According to the entrepreneur, his expectations were met and his needs were met. “I noticed that we have shortcomings in the preparation of a submission for a call for tenders. Above all, we learned how to prospect the land to have the prices in advance so as not to turn at a loss”, added Lydie NOUWE, the representative of a construction structure. A ceremony to hand over certificates of completion and a family photo put an end to the workshop.
The CePEPE’s mission is to promote private initiative by supporting the training of entrepreneurs, helping to create new businesses, assisting in the rehabilitation or development of existing businesses with a view to promoting development of the national economy through the creation of new jobs by the private sector.

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QA September 4, 2023

#CePEPE #strengthens #capacities #SMEs #SMIs

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