Sexologists, ‘training experts against violence, an antidote for not isolating young people’

by time news

2023-09-05 16:21:23

“We have always been convinced that we must train professionals capable of working at school, in counseling centres, in youth spaces, in the relationship with parents and with authoritative adults, because no one must isolate the generations. Together we can build a bulwark that prevents us from thinking and to do what happened in Palermo and recently also in different places always by very young people.We think that the Government can avail itself, in the competent ministries and on the territory, of figures who have always fought to educate, promote and prevent, such as the professionals trained by our Federation”. This was reiterated by the Governing Council of the Italian Federation of Scientific Sexology (FISS), with regard to the recent events of violence in Italy.

“The culture of change against violence – observes Fiss – passes from the construction of an ethic of respect and correct relationships, and from the construction of an awareness that brings pride to those who use respect, know how to ask permission, consent, feeling that this is the sign of a growth full of values. The episodes in Palermo, the negative use of social media and the idea that violence brings power and entails being visible, receiving messages of approval, is the great problem of a tool that, instead of making it grow, has turned into models of behavior that cause damage”.

“As a Federation – underlines the board – we have been fighting for many years to have sexual and emotional education in Italy too, training people capable of dealing with these important issues: experts in sexual and emotional education and sexual counselors”. A few years ago – recalls a note – Fiss dealt with the translation and adaptation to Italy of the World Health Organization guidelines for sex education in Europe, arriving, through a composite work table, at a proposal of national guidelines for education in affectivity, sexuality and reproductive health in schools, currently in progress at the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Ministry of Health. “These Guidelines, which outline the main objectives and contents referring to the different age groups, from kindergarten to upper secondary schools, once launched – the experts highlight – would constitute a valid tool for promoting sexual and reproductive health , education to respect and prevention of violence”.

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