Senator Mitch McConnell Clears Medical Doubts with Letter from Physician

by time news

Senator McConnell’s Physician Releases Statement Addressing Health Concerns

Senator Mitch McConnell has released a letter from his attending physician, Dr. Brian P. Monahan, in an effort to reassure his colleagues and the public about his health. The letter states that examinations and tests have ruled out a stroke or seizure as the causes of McConnell’s recent on-camera medical episodes.

Dr. Monahan, who serves as the on-site doctor in the Capitol for members of Congress and the Supreme Court, conducted a thorough examination of Senator McConnell, including a brain MRI, an electroencephalogram study, and a neurological consultation. The results showed no sign of a seizure disorder or stroke.

The release of the letter comes after medical professionals raised concerns about McConnell’s health due to his unexplained freezing up during a news conference last week, as well as a similar episode in July.

According to the letter, there is “no evidence” that McConnell has a seizure disorder or that he experienced a stroke or movement disorder such as Parkinson’s disease. The letter also mentioned that no changes are recommended in his treatment protocols as he continues to recover from a fall in March 2023.

McConnell and his aides have attributed both medical episodes to lightheadedness resulting from a concussion he suffered after a serious fall at a Washington hotel in March, as well as dehydration at the time of his appearances. Previously, Dr. Monahan issued a letter citing similar reasons for McConnell’s incident last week, before conducting any tests or examinations.

With the Senate returning after the August break, McConnell’s colleagues gathered for the first time since his latest public incident, sparking questions about his ability to lead Senate Republicans and speculation about a possible succession. The release of the second medical note from Dr. Monahan aims to prevent any real action regarding McConnell’s leadership and demonstrate transparency to his colleagues.

Senator McConnell did not respond to questions about his health when entering the Senate chamber on Tuesday. However, he indirectly addressed the issue on the floor by highlighting his busy schedule in Kentucky during the past month.

Democrats welcomed McConnell back as he returned to the Senate. Senator Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, expressed his relief, saying he was glad to see McConnell back and doing well.

So far, no senator has publicly called for a discussion about McConnell’s health, and most Republicans who have spoken have been supportive of him. Senator Mike Rounds of South Dakota emphasized McConnell’s sharpness and shrewdness, expressing confidence in his ability to continue in his current role.

Luncheon meetings are scheduled for Senate Republicans, and Senator John Cornyn of Texas, a close ally of McConnell, expects the party leader to discuss his health status during the gathering. Cornyn welcomed the new letter from Dr. Monahan and the additional medical information, stating that while McConnell feels good and up to his job, the concussion recovery is taking longer than anticipated.

After last week’s incident, McConnell called numerous senators to reassure them about his health. He attributed the incidents to side effects of his fall and emphasized that they had only occurred twice, both times in front of television cameras.

Dr. Monahan rarely speaks publicly about his job or the medical conditions of members of Congress. His statements about McConnell’s condition strongly suggest that they were solicited by the senator himself.

Dr. Monahan, an internal medicine, hematology, and medical oncology doctor, has served as the attending physician since 2009, when he was nominated to the post by President Barack Obama.

The release of the letter and the transparency shown by McConnell are aimed at dispelling concerns about his health and reaffirming his ability to continue serving as the minority leader in the Senate.

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