Assembly members must start working

by time news

2023-09-05 07:00:00

The functions of the assembly members who will be in the national assembly for a short time.

With the results proclaimed by the National Electoral Council in the case of the assembly members, it is already known that they are elected authorities who will be in office for about a year and a half, but that there is more than the functions of supervising and legislating that each of the 137 legislators must perform.

Well, you should know that from these the president of the Assembly must be elected, as well as two vice presidents and four members, in addition to making up the 15 commissions that exist within the Legislature and that must be made up of at least 9 people.

Assembly members must begin to work. Photo: Selena Trujillo

In the Law of the Legislative Function, it mentions other functions such as appointing the president and vice president, as well as the holders of other institutions of state functions such as Electoral, Transparency and Social Control, but in addition to this, they also have the attribution of Supervise the use of resources, for example, from the ministries and how the money has been invested based on social policies.

In this case, in Chimborazo there are several cases that require supervision in the management of resources of the sectional governments, such as the emblematic work of the previous administration that would provide drinking water 24 hours a day, the Maguazo-Alao transfer, given that there are Comptroller’s exams or the questioning of the officials and authorities on duty when the mass movement took place in Alausí.

But, it is also to build and approve laws as a pending that requires a lot of attention such as the Risk Management Law that would help in prevention, control, depending on a specific case such as the arrival of the El Niño phenomenon.

At this moment we already have the 4 assembly members who will represent the province: Carlos Aulla from Construye, Carmen Tiupul from Alianza Somos, Patricia Núñez from the Citizen Revolution and Fernanda Araujo from Alianza Democrática Nacional, when she speaks with them in exclusive interviews for Diario La Prensa had coincidences in the ideas to work for the province.

From the perspective of Jonathan Segura, a political analyst, the assembly members should already get ‘the campaign chip’ out because they are no longer candidates, now they are authorities who should have a clear outlook on the axes that they will develop and if they are going to audit know who which institutions will do it, since it is a short period of time to work.

It must be considered that according to the second round and the repetition of the elections abroad, the panorama of the seats in the Assembly could change in some way, on the other hand, whether “common and wild” citizens can request information from the institutions public.

That is why, once again, we refer to the Law of the Judicial Function in art. 75 indicates the power of the assembly members to request the information within the required deadlines, but if it is not delivered in the requested manner, they inform the president of the Assembly and initiate a process against the official that could lead to impeachment.

When each of the new legislators was interviewed, in the case of Aulla, he said that he would work on auditing in the sectional governments, on the contrary, Tiupul indicated that he will ask the ministries of Health and Public Works to find out how much money was spent invested in Chimborazo, on the other hand, Núñez expressed that he will promote the laws that were pending and Araujo said that he will work on regulations on gender issues and on the control of resources.

#Assembly #members #start #working

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