This is the only ISSSTE hospital with an acupuncture area

by time news

2023-09-06 00:00:51

The acupuncture service at ISSSTE began in 2001 and also supports the training of specialists in collaboration with the IPN.
It has a department head, two doctors, three nurses, administrative staff and four rotating residents, as well as seven cubicles and 19 stretchers.
This area works with the specialties of reproductive biology, urology, gynecology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, oncology, hematology, psychiatry, rheumatology, cardiology, pain clinic, hemodialysis, among others.

In a quest to expand treatment for beneficiaries, the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE) incorporated the acupuncture service in one of its hospitals. In this way, it seeks to offer patients one more option to achieve their recovery.

This information was released within the framework of the signing of the Cooperation Agreement on human acupuncture and health-related methods between the Mexican Institute and the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

What is acupuncture?

It is a technique that has been practiced for thousands of years in the Asian continent as a therapeutic activity, although it has rebounded in recent times in the rest of the world. One of the drawbacks is that many members of the medical community oppose its application due to the lack of scientific evidence about its true functioning.

Briefly, it consists of the application of needles, heat, and pressure to different places on the skin to control symptoms such as pain, nausea, and vomiting.

The only ISSSTE hospital with an acupuncture area

In this case, the National Medical Center (CMN) “20 de Noviembre” of the CDMX is the only one that offers this service. In this regard, the director of the hospital, Martha Alvarado Ibarra, stressed that her objective is to seek quality alternatives that guarantee access to a decent health service.

“We are convinced that medicine must go hand in hand with different cultures to update it. Today begins a new stage of work with you that will benefit, not only the hospital, but also the rights of the ISSSTE”.

In turn, the dean of the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital, Liu Qingquan, developed the similarities between his country and Mexico for various medicinal methods.

“We want Mexico, in addition to acupuncture, to use a treatment system taking advantage of traditional medicines. Each country has its own and we can work together to find natural options that do not harm the person”.

The head of the Human Acupuncture Service of the CMN “20 de Noviembre”, Alejandra Aguirre Guerrero, explained that, from January of this year to date, this area has treated 9,562 patients. While in 2022 service was provided to 12 thousand 682.

Type of population served

Regarding care, it is offered to girls and boys from two to 10 years old, women from 15 to 90 and men from 17 to 80. It has a department head, two doctors, three nurses, administrative staff and four rotating residents, as well as seven cubicles and 19 stretchers.

Among the interconsultant specialties that he receives are: reproductive biology, urology, gynecology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, oncology, hematology, psychiatry, rheumatology, cardiology, pain clinic, hemodialysis, among others.

Since its foundation in 2001, by Dr. Arturo Gómez Mera, the CMN “20 de Noviembre” Acupuncture Service is the only one that exists at ISSSTE. It also supports the training of specialists in collaboration with the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).

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#ISSSTE #hospital #acupuncture #area

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