Secret vote in the STF overshadows the principle of transparency, says Arthur Lira

by time news

2023-09-06 05:14:19

Earlier, President Lula suggested that the votes of the magistrates not be made public to curb ‘animosity’

Zeca Ribeiro/Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira commented on Lula’s speech on the secret vote of STF ministers

the president of Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), opposed President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) and said that the secret ballot STF (Federal Supreme Court) overshadows the principle of transparency. The idea came to light after Lula suggested that the ministers’ votes not be disclosed, to avoid “animosity” between the institutions. “It’s difficult for you to evaluate the position of other people without having talked to them about it. Yes, what we are seeing is a firm position from many jurists, including former ministers, very much against it. You already have a Supreme Court with a lot of visibility and now you are going to have a lot of visibility without knowing how they are voting?”, questioned Lira. “The principle of transparency that is so demanded in the television of decisions will be overshadowed, but it is far from me to know what are the reasons that were treated to give a statement like this”, completed the president of the Chamber, in conversation with journalists.

Lula said, during a live on social media, that society should not know how magistrates vote. The speech takes place after the minister Cristiano Zanin have been the target of criticism because of their votes. The lawyer was appointed by Lula to the STF. “This country needs to learn to respect institutions. It is not up to the President of the Republic to like or dislike the decision of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court decides, and we comply. That’s how it is. If I could give one piece of advice, it would be this: society does not have to know how a Supreme Court justice votes. The guy has to vote and nobody needs to know. Because, then, everyone who loses gets angry and everyone who wins is happy,” said Lula.

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