Jorge Vilda: “I think I have been unjustly dismissed”

by time news

2023-09-06 01:48:00

Jorge Vilda, dismissed this Tuesday as the women’s national soccer team, believes that this decision has been made “unfairly” and that it was not “deserved”, and that they have only told him from the RFEF that it was due to “structural changes” and without telling him “football criteria”.

“I’m as good as it can be after being world champions 16 days ago, ten days ago being renewed for four more years with a higher salary, and after today being fired I think unfairly,” Vilda said in an interview. in ‘El Larguero’ of the SER chain.

The coach explained that he was informed of his dismissal after a “brief meeting” with Pedro Rocha, acting president of the RFEF, the general secretary and the vice president of Equality and that it was due to “structural changes”.

“After 17 years in women’s football, after everything I’ve achieved, leaving my skin as one more worker of the federation, and with a clear conscience because I have given one hundred percent, I have said that it is something that I did not understand and that I did not see the cessation deserved, “he added.

Vilda was surprised because he “went with another idea” to this meeting. “You have the illusion for the good treatment that I have always received and because I saw myself with strength and desire to enjoy a League of Nations for the first time and be able to be in the Olympic Games, being in Paris motivated me a lot as an athlete,” he confessed.

The man from Madrid confirmed that the announcement he made Luis Rubiales in the Extraordinary General Assembly of August 25 about its renewal “he was already on the Board of Directors” and that this contract “was already perfected” because he had been informed “after the World Cup and before the Assembly” “It is no longer my issue It belongs to my lawyers and the negotiation,” he warned.

The former coach stressed that he has “congratulated” Montse Tome for taking the reins of the national team. “It is deserved and she has the ability to do it very well. She was chosen by me for the coaching staff, she has challenges ahead. The greatest legacy that I have been able to leave is a recognizable style of play and a methodology, she has it to take advantage of it. She’s ready and she’s going to do well.” he claimed.


In this sense, he remarked that the footballers who had announced their resignation to return until there were no changes in the RFEF have not “communicated” anything to him and that he did not feel “alluded to” in that statement because he does not feel “leader” . “Publicly it has never been said that they ask for my head, one of the captains said it directly,” he declared.

“I think it’s impossible to achieve the results that have been achieved if we don’t create a group from the beginning of these last two months. There was a very good ‘feeling’ and without following what the coaching staff proposed in matches and in training, and without believing in them, it is impossible to be world champions”, she added about whether she had the support of the players.

For the coach, “it is curious” to have been dismissed after winning a World Cup. “I don’t remember anyone that has happened to them, maybe win the Champions League and not continue, yes”, considered Vilda, who after the title was more clear that he shouldn’t have left “before.”

However, he did make his position “available” to the RFEF after sending an email to 15 footballers asking not to be called up if there were no changes, but after speaking with the captains and players and also being told that he professed to them “exquisite treatment”, Rubiales told them that “there were no reasons for him not to continue”. “With their support we have been able to move this situation forward and with the effort of all those who have been there, the achievement is the star on the shirt,” celebrated the former coach, who has yet to see the “around more than 500 messages” that are on his phone.

Vilda pointed out that he knows what his “profession” is and that in sports he must accept “everything or almost everything”, but that he was upset because what “indirectly” had “slipped into networks” about his control over the players and “things that are not true” “In the 17 years that I have been in the RFEF, the treatment has been of the utmost respect towards the players and towards everyone that I have trained and that has been with me,” he said.

“We have never come to know what really happened because there has never been anyone with a name and surname who has come out and said something about Jorge Vilda. I know how my behavior has been and I said that if there was something to saythat they left at that moment and to date absolutely no one has come out. The only thing I have done has been to work and try to do my best to get as many successes as possible,” he continued.


Regarding his applause in the Assembly for Rubiales’ speech, he asserted that he would “never” applaud “anything macho or that goes against feminism.” “I didn’t know very well what I was going to experience, it was going to be a resignation, and there is also your boss’s speech, which is directed at you a lot, who at that moment is making public that he is renewing you and that he is evaluating your work , that that I applauded. I also applaud a management that has been carried out in the federation since 2018, with a budget that has multiplied by four. Since 2018 I have not been told no to anything and that is what I am applauding, “he replied.

“It is clear that I am not going to applaud the gestures that were made in Sydney, nor many of the words that were said there. And it is also quite complicated with 140, 150 more people who stand up and applaud be the only one left seated and not clap, although later when you go out, you’re a bit in ‘shock’ and you reflect and say, well, I wouldn’t have applauded this,” said the coach.

Asked about his non mention of Jenni Beautiful In her statement on August 26, Vilda recalled that she has known the striker “for 16 years” and they have “evolved together in the world of football”, and she thought she did not need to. “I know that she and her family are having a hard time,” she admitted, acknowledging that she “has not” spoken to the Madrid woman. “She knows that I’ve always been with her,” she settled.

The former selector “no” noticed the obscene gesture that Luis Rubiales made from the box after beating England. “How each one reacts or celebrates is not my responsibility,” he said, while stating that he did not see the leader kiss Jenni Hermoso, “an improper act” as he said in his statement and that he did not speak with the forward to issue some statement downplaying the matter. “Each one is ‘older’ and knows what he says and what he doesn’t, I imagine. What Jenni says will be her truth.” sentenced before the controversy with the statements that were provided from the RFEF and that supposedly belonged to the player.

“I am extremely proud of what has been achieved and I also remember a lot of all the players who have participated in the qualification for this World Cup and of all those who have built Spain as world champions, even the pioneers such as Montse Tomé or other coaches. or players who have been the ones who have started this because women’s football is a young sport”, he highlighted.

Finally, Vilda hopes that all this “will be worth something”. “I hope so, I think in time victory will be valued more and everyone will have their reward for what they have achieved. I hope to know well the football criteria for which I do not follow, it is one of the doubts that I have left, but the best is yet to come, “he concluded.

#Jorge #Vilda #unjustly #dismissed

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