Anti-corruption and group interests in law-making | Politics

by time news

2023-09-06 06:29:40

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai presented a summary report on the organization and implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly from the beginning of the 15th term to before the 5th session. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

On the morning of September 6, at the first National Conference on implementing laws and resolutions of XV . National Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai presented a Report on the organization and implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly from the beginning of the 15th term to before the 5th Session; preparation and implementation plan of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly at the 5th Session.

Bringing laws and ordinances to life quickly

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the work of organizing law enforcement and developing and issuing detailed regulations is one of the important tasks, which the Government and the Prime Minister spend a lot of time directing. closely, regularly, directly and specifically.

As soon as the sessions of the National Assembly ended, the Government directed the Ministry of Justice and the Government Office to coordinate with ministries and ministerial-level agencies in promulgating plans for implementation; review the content of detailed regulation assignment to submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation the list and assign the agency to draft detailed documents.

From the beginning of the term to the 4th session, on the basis of assignment of the Prime Minister, the ministries have the task of submitting or promulgating according to their competence 50 documents detailing 20 effective laws and resolutions. .

As a result, as of August 30, 2023, the number of issued documents was 38 (due to the merging of a number of detailed regulations, the number of promulgated documents decreased by 2), while 10 documents have not yet been issued. Of the 38 promulgated documents, there are 9/38 promulgated documents that are guaranteed to take effect at the same time as the law takes effect.

With regard to the law, resolution or content assigned detailed regulations to be prepared to take effect, the ministries are responsible for promulgating or submitting for promulgation 41 documents detailing the Law on Emulation, Commendation, Law on Medical Examination and Treatment. The disease will take effect from January 1, 2024, and the Law on Insurance Business will take effect from January 1, 2028.

Regarding the implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly at the 5th Session, according to the assignment of the Prime Minister, ministries are responsible for developing, promulgating or submitting for promulgation 37 documents regulating detailing 9 laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly at the 5th Session; in which, there are 3 laws and resolutions that took effect very early (August 1, 2023 and August 15, 2023). The Government, Prime Minister, Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies have issued 6 documents.

“Ministries and ministerial-level agencies have made positive changes in law-making work. There are 8 ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies directly directing this work. The work of law-making has been more linked with law enforcement and administrative procedure reform. Legal organizations better promote the role of focal points in work law making, contributing to shortening the time for promulgating documents, improving the quality of law construction and enforcement. The above-mentioned results have contributed positively to the institutionalization of the Party’s guidelines and lines, concretizing the provisions of laws and ordinances, quickly bringing laws and ordinances to life, contributing to successfully implement the country’s socio-economic development tasks,” the Deputy Prime Minister affirmed.

[Hội nghị Toàn quốc triển khai luật, nghị quyết của Quốc hội khóa XV]

However, according to the assessment, the implementation of the Constitution, laws and ordinances and the issuance of detailed regulations still has certain limitations and shortcomings. That is, the review of legal documents in some agencies has not been effective, complete and in accordance with regulations. The handling of documents after the review has not been timely, especially the review, amendment and supplementation of regulations promulgated by the competent authorities of the locality to be consistent with the documents of the Central Government; There is not really an effective connection between the results of the review of legal documents and the development of legal documents…

Paying attention to the opinions of those affected

Regarding tasks and solutions in the coming time, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the Government continues to study, develop and issue 82 detailed regulatory documents (including 12 documents promulgating effective laws and resolutions). and 70 documents detailing laws, resolutions or detailed regulations that will take effect in the near future).

At the same time, the Government urgently issues a Decree amending Decree No. 55/2011/ND-CP stipulating the position, functions, tasks, powers, organizational apparatus of the legal organization in order to timely remove a number of difficulties and obstacles in practice over the past time, continue to improve the legal framework on positions, functions, tasks, powers, organizational apparatus of legal organizations.

To complete the task, the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that the Government will strengthen discipline and discipline in law-making work; strengthen the responsibility of the heads of the Government’s agencies, ensuring compliance with the regulations “to be responsible for the entire content and progress of submission of assigned projects, projects and legal documents.”

Ministries and branches regularly and proactively review and evaluate legal regulations and social relations in the field of management; take the initiative in making proposals for formulation and organizing the drafting of law, ordinances and resolutions projects in accordance with the prescribed order and procedures; focus on collecting opinions of subjects directly affected, experts and scientists; strengthen policy communication, social criticism for content that has great impact on people and businesses.

Conference delegates. (Photo: Doan Tan/VNA)

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, in order to strengthen control over power, prevention, Anti-corruptionnegative, group benefits, the agency in charge of making proposals and drafting legal documents should promptly report to and consult the Party committees and organizations on important policies and major orientations; at the same time, uphold the responsibility of the head and each individual, focusing on summarizing laws, assessing policy impacts, collecting opinions, receiving and explaining opinions, and appraising them; strengthen supervision, inspection and strictly handle violations in law-making work…

The Government proposes to the Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly, and National Assembly deputies to continue closely coordinating with the Government from the very beginning in law-making, ensuring the feasibility of regulations. assign detailed regulations in projects of laws, ordinances and resolutions in association with the minimum conditions of time and resources; to help the Government and ministries strengthen supervision over law-making and enforcement, promptly detect illegal contents and violations in law enforcement to propose handling measures. Fit.

The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuracy continue to closely and promptly coordinate with the Government’s agencies in the implementation of the Law and Ordinance Development Program; organize the implementation of laws and ordinances, promulgate detailed regulations; propagate and disseminate the law through prosecution, trial and judgment execution.

Phan Phuong (VNA/Vietnam+)

#Anticorruption #group #interests #lawmaking #Politics

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