Reduce Your Risk of Cancer with These Nine Points

by time news

2023-09-06 14:29:37
Title: Reduce Your Risk of Cancer with a Nine-Point Plan, Says Cancer Research

Date: 06.09.2023, 2:29 p.m
Author: Alina Schroeder

Hundreds of thousands of people get cancer every year. With a nine-point plan, however, the risk can be reduced – an important point is nutrition.

Kassel – Cancer has become a widespread disease. More than half a million people in Germany were diagnosed in 2020 and more than 200,000 die every year as a result of an illness. However, the risk can be minimized through preventive measures and early detection.

According to the current state of research, around 40 percent of all new cancer cases each year can be avoided through behavioral changes. Cancer and prevention researchers provide information about a nine-point plan that can be implemented individually without major lifestyle changes.

Cancer research: With these nine points you reduce your risk of developing the disease

According to the National Decade Against Cancer, a healthier lifestyle can reduce the risk of a variety of cancers. These include the following nine measures:

1. Avoid being overweight

In addition to diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks, obesity is also involved in the development of cancer. The risk is massively increased for the following different species, among others:
– Colon Cancer
– Kidney Cancer
– Pancreatic Cancer
– Esophageal Cancer
– Breast Cancer
– Cervical Cancer
– Ovarian Cancer
– Prostate Cancer

The more overweight, the higher the risk of cancer. Obesity can be prevented or slowly reduced with a proper and balanced diet and regular exercise. Certain foods can also help you lose weight by stimulating fat burning. In addition, many foods can reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Regular exercise reduces the risk of cancer

2. Movement in everyday life

Many people sit in the office every day and stare at the computer screen for hours. However, this is not healthy in the long run. Regular exercise and sporting activities not only keep you fit but can also protect against cancer. Physical activities ensure that cancer cells are slowed down. It has been proven that the risk of some types of cancer such as colon cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, stomach cancer, and liver cancer can be reduced.

According to prevention research, the intensity of exercise and the type of sport do not play a role. Any form of physical activity can prevent an illness, whether swimming, gymnastics, strength training, or Nordic walking. However, it makes sense to spend at least half an hour a day. However, exercise can be easily integrated into everyday life: run up stairs, ride a bike or walk and break hours of sitting once an hour to move around a little.

Prevent cancer with the right diet – It’s better to avoid alcohol

3. Healthy and balanced diet

There is no optimal diet for cancer, but there are a number of foods that are best avoided. The following foods have been shown to promote disease:
– Red meat from beef, pork, lamb, horse – or goat.
– Processed meat in the form of sausages and ham.

Dietary fiber in food can slow down the growth of cancer cells, and a sufficient intake of vitamins can protect against the disease. At least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables and 30 grams of whole grain products and legumes are recommended per day.

4. As little alcohol as possible

There is ethanol in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, sparkling wine, and schnapps. This is particularly carcinogenic. For example, even a small daily dose increases the risk of esophageal cancer by a third. Anyone who drinks more than four such drinks a day has a five times higher risk of cancer than people who do not drink alcohol at all. It is, therefore, best to refrain from consumption or to reduce it considerably.

Tobacco consumption is the biggest cancer factor – avoid carcinogenic substances and radiation

5. No smoking

By far the biggest cancer factor is tobacco use. According to information from the German Cancer Society, around 19 percent of all diseases can be traced back to regular smoking – smokers also die twice as often as non-smokers. Not only the tobacco contains carcinogenic substances, but also the smoke. For this reason, even passive smoking is extremely harmful. Lung cancer is most common among smokers, but cancer of the mouth, larynx, and esophagus can also be diagnosed. Many cigarettes are also much unhealthier than the manufacturers claim.

6. Avoid carcinogenic substances

In addition to tobacco, fine dust and exhaust fumes contain carcinogenic substances. All of these could damage lung cells if inhaled. To avoid fine dust pollution as much as possible, you should avoid busy roads, for example, which is difficult, especially in large cities. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection provides information on how high the concentration is in your area. Regular examinations under radiation, such as X-rays or MRI, are also not recommended.

7. Protect yourself from UV radiation

As soon as summer is here, sunburn is not long in coming for many people. However, this can significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. For this reason, you should always smear yourself well with sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV radiation. You should also avoid sunbathing for long periods of time: You may get a nice tan, but it also damages your skin and causes it to age prematurely.

Protect yourself against cancer with vaccinations and early detection

8. Vaccination against cancer

Although cancer is not contagious, some forms can be prevented by vaccination. For example, some infectious diseases promote tumor disease, including hepatitis B and sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HP). The latter can, for example, trigger cancers in intimate areas.

9. Take advantage of early cancer detection services

Early detection of cancer can be beneficial in healing. In the case of preventive examinations, critical preliminary stages can also be removed in good time so that cancer cannot develop further in the first place. Depending on age, there are various early detection services in Germany that can be used. These include:
– Women over 20 years: Early detection of cervical cancer through swabs, examination of the vagina and cervix, and palpation of the breasts.
– Men and women aged 35 and over: skin cancer screening.
– Men over 45 years: Prostate examination and palpation of the testicles.
– Women over 50 years: Mammogram screening.
– For women over 50 and men over 55: colonoscopy.

In addition, you should constantly examine your body yourself. This means that changes can be recognized at an early stage and then treated by a doctor. A study by Biontech also gives rise to great hope in cancer research.

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.]
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