Suicide Prevention – La Prensa Riobamba Newspaper

by time news

2023-09-05 17:54:20

Suicide prevention is an important mental health issue that requires sustained attention and effort. Suicide is a global public health problem and suicide prevention is a joint responsibility of the public, mental health professionals. We share the importance of suicide prevention, warning signs, effective strategies, and available resources.

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and its emotional and social consequences are devastating. It is imperative to recognize that suicide is preventable and that every life lost is a tragedy that could have been prevented with the right support.

Valeria Bayas psychologist provides us with important information which we must take into account.

What are the most common warning signs to look out for when it comes to suicide prevention?
Talking, writing, or posting on social media about suicide or thoughts of dying. Say phrases like: “I’m going to kill myself”, “I hope I die” or “I’m so tired of life”. Or songs that deal with a farewell; Buy weapons or knives, ropes or accumulate pills what would come to be planning.

Severe mood swings; constantly thinking about death, about dying; Depression or a sense of despair and lack of meaning for what to live for; increased use of alcohol or drugs; change the normal routine, including the habit of eating and sleeping (increase or decrease); do risky or self-destructive things, such as taking drugs, driving recklessly, being in high-risk areas, exposing yourself; give away belongings or put personal matters in order. Say goodbye to others as if it were the last time. Personality changes, such as a very social person who withdraws all contact or a well-behaved person who acts with acts of rebellion

What are effective strategies for communicating with and supporting someone who may be at risk of suicide?

Begin to notice the people who are close to us. Look at their behavior, identify if there are any negative changes. Know the different support networks that can be accessed by the person who is suicidal. Approach that person in a friendly way. Offer active listening and accompaniment without judging, pointing out or labeling the communication being confidential Provide information about the means of help for the current situation of the person at suicidal risk Continue maintaining friendly and close contact with the person, not letting them only to

What are the most relevant risk factors that contribute to suicidal ideation and how can they be addressed?

Previous suicide attempts: Nearly half of people who commit suicide have attempted suicide before. Family history or belonging to a family area where there is abuse, violence and a history of suicide. A recent loss, such as the death of someone, the end of a relationship or friendship, or the divorce of the parents. High level of stress in their academic/work areas where they have high expectations of themselves (lots of pressure). Being a victim of bullying. Being alone while having socio-economic problems Person who is with some type of catastrophic illness.

What is the role of psychology in suicide prevention and how can mental health professionals collaborate in this task?
The role of the clinical psychologist is vital since it is the indicated professional who works with mental health illnesses, the person who is at risk of suicide presents some type of underlying mental illness, and we as mental health professionals manage and present programs and protocols of suicide prevention and we provide therapeutic care that guides the person to manage the different problematic circumstances

Jhoselinne P, student mentions “my parents are divorced and this process is difficult because they spent many years fighting, my father abandoned me when he had another home and I spend a lot of time alone at home, I don’t like to go out with my friends because I feel sad all time, and my mother doesn’t spend at home either because she works all day, it’s a very hard process for me, going to therapy has helped me a lot but everything is little by little, many times I wanted to make an attempt on my life, but now I feel that Getting help from a professional helps a lot.”

Suicide prevention is a task that involves the entire society.
Early detection, open communication, and access to mental health services are essential elements in this effort to avoid situations . Action to prevent suicide is a human commitment and a public health imperative that we must all embrace. Every life matters and together we can make a big difference in the fight.

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