Neige Sinno wins the 2023 “Le Monde” literary prize for “Sad tiger”

by time news

2023-09-06 20:18:04
The writer Neige Sinno, June 20, 2023, in Paris. HÉLèNE BAMBERGER/OPALE.PHOTO

Why hide it? When voting for the Literary Prize The world 2023, many jurors confessed to being seized with fear when they discovered that sad tiger, one of the ten books in the running, was about incest. Some have postponed the moment of reading it as much as possible, others have chosen to start with it to relieve themselves of the weight of such a prospect. But for some and for others, a few pages were enough to understand that they were holding an important text. And that they weren’t going to let go of this book which oscillates between story and essay, despite the harshness of what they would read in it: its intelligence, its power, its radical honesty which bravado manages to make room humor, would wear them.

sad tigerby Neige Sinno, was thus awarded, on Wednesday 6 September, the prize awarded by the jury chaired by Jérôme Fenoglio, director of the Mondeand composed of journalists working in the “World of Books” (Jean Birnbaum, Denis Cosnard, Juliette Einhorn, Florent Georgesco, Raphaëlle Leyris and Nicolas Weill) and in the four “corners” of the Monde : Emmanuel Davidenkoff (editorial development), Zineb Dryef (“M Le magazine du Monde”), Gaëlle Dupont (Planète), Clara Georges (Privacy), Raphaëlle Rérolle (Great Reporters), Solenn de Royer (Politics) and Alain Salles (Debates and Ideas). He succeeds Attack the earth and the sunby Mathieu Belezi (Le Tripode).

Living in Mexico, in the state of Michoacan, west of Mexico City, Neige Sinno was unable to receive her prize in person. It is from her country village that the writer, who was a temporary student at the university and works as a translator, keeps abreast of literary news by reading, in particular, “Le Monde des livres”: “I love this contrast between the worlds, and being able to access what is happening in intellectual life in France without leaving my hill”writes the author, that the reception of her book, widely recognized as an event of this fall, moves as much as it surprises and impresses.

A book long impossible to write

This work about the sexual violence imposed by his stepfather in his childhood, it has long been impossible for him to write it, until it becomes impossible for him not to do it. For many years, Neige Sinno, born in 1977 in the Hautes-Alpes, did not imagine “do something other than fiction”. In France, she published a collection of short stories, The life of rats (La Tangente, 2007), and a novel, The truck (Christophe Lucquin, 2018), in which she did not “not forbidden to bring in autobiographical material, or to evoke abuse”she told us during a visit to Paris in June.

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