Infonavit presents Equipa tu casa, new credit for housing

by time news

2023-09-07 02:43:38

(THE UNIVERSAL).– The Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) presented Equipa tu Casa, a complement to the mortgage loan to buy housing that allows the rightful holders to obtain an additional amount of financing to make improvements, repairs or acquire equipment that improves home conditions.

With this, people who buy their house through the Infonavit Traditional Credit or Infonavit Total no longer have to wait to finish paying this financing to request another one that allows them to make the improvements their home needs.

The maximum amount of this credit complement is 63 thousand 73 pesos.

Equipa tu Casa can only be requested at the time of registration of the credit, as long as the beneficiary has decided to take an amount less than that offered by Infonavit as the maximum amount of financing or have a maximum amount of credit greater than what cost of the home you want to buy.

Features of Equipa tu Casa

*Credit is awarded on an individual basis.

*Amount of credit from 9 thousand 461 pesos to 63 thousand 073 pesos.

*The interest rate will be the same as that granted for the mortgage loan; that is, from 3.09% to 10.45%, depending on the income level of the accredited or accredited.

*The payment term will be the same as the financing.

*Applies for the acquisition of new and existing housing.

*The age of the person plus the payment term is 70 years for men and 75 years for women.

*It has the same payment solutions as the mortgage loan, as there is no distinction between one and the other.

How does Equipe tu Casa work?

To access this additional amount of financing, the beneficiary must choose an amount less than the maximum credit granted by Infonavit to buy his home.

This difference must be at least 9,461 pesos or have a maximum credit amount greater than what the home you want to buy will cost.

The authorized amount of Equipa tu Casa, will be delivered to the accredited person on two cards

-Card 1. 80% of the resources will be deposited there, which can be used to buy materials or equipment in authorized stores.

-Card 2. There the remaining 20% ​​is deposited for labor payment. If the beneficiary decides that he does not want to use the second card to pay for labour, he can also use it to pay at authorized businesses.

In a press conference, accompanied by the presidents of Concanaco Servytur, Concamin and Anfad, the general director of Infonavit, Carlos Martínez Velázquez, explained that 75% of the people who buy their house with an Infonavit Credit do not exhaust their credit capacity.

With this surplus, which will be granted through Equipa tu Casa, people will be able to buy their refrigerator or the equipment their home needs, without getting into more debt.

“Many workers still have unused credit capacity. Equipa tu Casa comes to take that unused credit capacity, so that people do not get over-indebted because their payment on income will not exceed 30%, since thus the maximum credit is calculated,” he said.

With this new credit, different types of saving appliances can be purchased and although borrowers will be asked to keep proof of purchase, it is essential to trust people and that the use they will give to the financing resources will be to meet their housing needs. .

For his part, José Héctor Tejada, president of the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur México), said that this effort is for the workers, with the purpose of finding their main asset in their home, since it must become the assurance that there is something to return to and worth continuing for.

“It is, of course, an incentive for more and more companies to transition to formality, a desire for which the Confederation of Business Chambers fight every day united in positive actions.”

In this sense, the president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin), José Abugaber Andonie, assured that this program will boost industry and commerce, because approximately two million energy-saving appliances could be sold.

“It promotes sustainable housing through sustainable equipment that complies with the Official Mexican Standards for energy efficiency and water saving,” he said.

Likewise, Guillermo Freyra, president of the National Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances (Anfad), pointed out that the beneficiaries will be able to purchase sustainable equipment that complies with the official Mexican standards for energy efficiency and water saving.

With Equipa tu Casa you can purchase items such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, bathroom furniture, toilets and showers, as well as water heaters and air conditioning equipment.

#Infonavit #presents #Equipa #casa #credit #housing

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