Aeroflot closed the sale of tickets from Kazakhstan to Russia for flights until January 20

by time news

Aeroflot announced a change in the flight schedule between Russia and Kazakhstan, where protests are taking place and a state of emergency has been introduced. The carrier said that the sale of tickets to Kazakhstan for flights with a departure until January 20, and in the opposite direction – with a departure until January 21, is closed.

The air carrier also said that it canceled flights from Kazakhstan to Russia until January 11, and from Russia to Kazakhstan until January 10. “Aeroflot is in constant operational cooperation with the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the restoration of air transportation from / to the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the company reports to TASS.

Let us remind you that the terms of restoring the operation of the Almaty airport, occupied by Russian peacekeepers, have been repeatedly extended. It was planned that it will open by lunchtime on January 7, then it was announced that it would open on January 9 and 10. On the eve of the publication Tengrinews reported the press service of the airport that it is closed for an indefinite period.

On January 2, rallies began in Kazakhstan due to the rise in prices for automobile gas. The protests then escalated into riots. The government of the republic resigned, the CSTO, for the first time in history, used its peacekeepers. January 10 is declared a day of national mourning in Kazakhstan. The exact death toll as a result of the recent events, which the authorities call riots and terrorist attacks, is not yet known. On suspicion of committing crimes, the security forces detained 4404 people.

For more details on the situation in Kazakhstan, see the Kommersant article “Soldiers walked across Almaty”.


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