UK House Prices Experience Steepest Annual Decline Since 2009, Recording Fifth Consecutive Month of Decrease, Reports Halifax

by time news

UK House Prices Experience Fastest Annual Decline Since 2009, According to Halifax

UK house prices have fallen for the fifth consecutive month and are experiencing the fastest annual decline since 2009, driven by higher mortgage rates negatively impacting prospective buyers, according to mortgage provider Halifax.

Data released on Thursday revealed that property prices experienced the largest contraction since 2009, dropping by 4.6% in August compared to the same month last year when prices soared to a record peak.

Furthermore, Halifax reported a 1.9% decrease in prices between July and August, adding to the consecutive monthly drops recorded since April.

In light of these figures, the average cost of a UK home is now £279,569, marking a decrease of approximately £14,000 over the past year.

The recent decline exceeded economists’ predictions surveyed by Reuters, who forecasted a monthly fall of 0.3% and an annual contraction of 3.45%.

The significant drop in house prices is largely attributed to the impact of higher mortgage rates on potential home buyers, particularly as the ongoing economic uncertainty caused by Brexit continues to affect the housing market.

As a result, buyers are becoming more cautious and are delaying purchasing decisions in favor of waiting for more stable economic conditions. The increasing uncertainty surrounding the Brexit negotiations is causing market volatility, which is reflected in the continuous decline in UK house prices.

This downward trend puts further pressure on an already struggling housing market, with many potential buyers holding off on purchasing property until there is more clarity on the outcome of Brexit. The decline in prices could potentially impact homeowners looking to sell, as they may face difficulties in finding buyers willing to pay the desired price for their homes.

Experts suggest that until there is a resolution to the Brexit deadlock, the housing market and house prices are likely to remain subdued. As mortgage rates continue to rise and economic uncertainty persists, potential buyers are expected to remain cautious, resulting in further slowdown of the housing market in the months ahead.

While the decline in house prices may benefit buyers who have been struggling to enter the market due to high prices, it poses challenges for existing homeowners looking to sell their properties. The impact of the declining housing market on the overall economy remains to be seen, as the property sector plays a significant role in driving economic growth.

Given the current circumstances, it is crucial for policymakers and market participants to closely monitor the situation and take necessary steps to address the challenges faced by the housing market.

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