The strong commitment of drivers to the motorcycle to move around the city

by time news

2023-09-07 12:57:07


Updated at 1:00 p.m.

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A third of motorcycle drivers in Spain use motorcycle rental services by the minute, a mode of transport known as motosharing. This is reflected in a survey carried out by Cabify with more than 4,000 users to find out the social perception of this service. In this way, the Spanish multimobility platform has detected a series of patterns that allow drawing conclusions about the use of motorcycles in urban environments. Of the total number of respondents, 80% use a motorcycle when traveling around the city on a recurring basis, at least once a week, compared to 15% who do so more regularly. On the other hand, although the majority of motorcycle users own one (72%), a third opt for motosharing, where the price, availability and proximity vehicle play a key role.

Among the main motivations when choosing this type of vehicle, those surveyed highlight greater agility when moving around the city, which allows them to reach their destination sooner; Specifically, this point is key for one in four respondents. On the other hand, the possibility of parking the vehicle in a simpler way is determinant when choosing this alternative in front of others.

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On the other hand, although 53% of those surveyed do not show any type of preference in terms of combustion or electric motorcycles, it has been detected that the remaining 43% do favor a 100% sustainable option when traveling.

The survey promoted by Cabify also contemplates non-motorcycle drivers, of which 21% show interest in this transport alternative and its use in the urban environment and if it is a question of going as a companion, this figure rises to 30 % of the total. Among the most cited barriers to its use are the perception of lack of security (46%), the lack of a driver’s license (31%) and discomfort (23%). Despite this, 40% of non-drivers would be willing to consider using motorcycles if they had the necessary knowledge and the opportunity to learn how to ride them safely. In general terms, eight out of ten respondents, including both motorcycle drivers and those who do not use this vehicle, detect that there is a lack of driver education in cities.

In addition, it should be noted that all the motorcycles available through ‘Motosharing’ platforms are 100% electric, which allows them to avoid using other less sustainable alternatives.

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